mcCCT - Current Condition Terms Editor

Current Version: 1.02

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mcCCT is a current-conditions-terms editor. MCH captures observational terms and saves them to a file. The idea is to assign images to the various conditions and display an appropriate graphic.

The program operates on copies of the data, so it's always easy to revert to the original state.

The program works with an .ini file, which points the program to the appropriate folder for images and to the folder to find the current-conditions definitions.

If, during editing, you change the forecast term itself, the program will re-index it.

The first form encountered simply allows you to specify the location of Loc folder for your installation of MCH. You can accept the default, taken from the .ini file, or you can [List] files and search for the folder yourself.

When you're satisfied you've located the correct file, click on [Submit], and location folders will be loaded.

Double-click on one to open it. The CCTerms Browser form will appear.

Here, your options are:
  • Save - Save any changes you've made. You can only revert back to the most-recently-saved changes.
  • Revert - Undo any changes you've made since the last save
  • Delete - Delete the currently highlighted entry. You will be prompted for confirmation.
  • Exit - Exit back to the location selector. If you have unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save them.
  • Mark Dups - This button is only enabled when an entry with duplicates is higlighted. It will mark all duplicates of the current entry for deletion.
  • Unmark All - Unmark all entries marked for deletion.
  • Delete Marked - Delete all marked entries
  • Double-Clicking in the grid: edit the highlighted term

At this point, you have several options; each ought to be self explanatory. the overarching goal is to select daytime and nighttime graphics to be used in the website.

When you're finished, Save and Exit will return you to the main screen.