MURDER MOST STINKY was Remote Planet's first stage production performed at the 2002 Ottawa Fringe Festival. The play ended up being voted by Fringe audiences as the venue favorite at Studio Leonard-Beaulne. The play was written by Richard Hemphill, based on his 2001 radio script of the same name, and was directed by Shawn Rocheleau. The cast included:

Steve Patterson as Madison Wisconsin
Kate Hefferon as Secretary, Monique McMicmac
Jeff Lefebvre as Mac McMicmac
Marc-André Bélair as Waddles, Mickey McMicmac
Steph Barrett as Mixie McMicmac, Maxine McMicmac
Mary Shearman as Lizzie-Borden McMicmac, The Dog

Cast pictures can be found in the Gallery under Murder Most Stinky. Click on the below thumbnails to see pages from the play's program and closing night billet as designed by Shawn Rocheleau:

Read the reviews from Ottawa's daily papers:
Ottawa Sun review by Denis Armstrong.
Ottawa Citizen review by Bruce Deachman.

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