Marg is an RP Lifer, having just been parolled at the end of Season Thirteen. Over the years, her voice has graced hundreds of episodes, as a diverse array of characters: ditzy Florence Turvey, Supermodel Flower; news anchor Carol-Anne Meighen-Ewen; Snoozy Suzie's patiently-suffering, extraliberated Mom. Marg has written, co-authored or inspired numerous pieces over the years; her creative input will barely be offset by her no longer inflicting her studio-mates with long periods of distressed sobbing, due to ill-advised Reading Ahead In The Script; she will forever be our Queen of the Outtakes. Her favourite expressions are, in order of frequency:
"Who Wrote This?"; and
"I don't know why I'm laughing; the line isn't even funny!"
Did You Know? - Marg recorded "Saskatchewan - We Can See Ya Comin' Fer Three Days!' in one take.