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Updated: June 27, 2002
"The detested millionaire, Muck McMicmac, is murdered, and detective Madison Wisconsin (Steve Patterson) is brought in to solve the case. The list of suspects is immense. Monique. Mac. Mickey. Mixie. Maxine. Max. Mark. And what of Lizzie Borden, the adopted daughter who whittles wooden cats?
"One by one, the suspects are murdered, as the action stays ahead of the intrepid dick. Sound silly? Well, it is. Richard Hemphill's play, staged by Ottawa's Remote Planet playhouse, flings out a steady stream of one-liners, forming a ball of corn big enough to choke a rubber chicken. Some of the humour is clever, but it just as often isn't.
"And why would anyone choose to do a parody of that hard-boiled, grade-B, internal monologue-ing detective genre, when it's already such a self-parody?"
Bruce Deachman, Ottawa Citizen, June 27, 2002