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Earth to Turvey
Ed and Emily
Edmonton - Know Zero's Hear!
Eight Days Toby Leary
El Trapudor
Elections 2000
Elementary School Assembly
Elvis and Michael
Equal Opportunity Bigot
Escape from IKEA
Everything Must Goia!
Evil GPS
Extreme Afterlife Makeover
Extremely Minute Risk
eVast-dot-ca #2

Earth to Turvey (Back to Top)
In this sequel to "Ochto, Warrior God of Praaaan" (which aired in Season Two on 23 January 2001), Florence Turvey, alien abductee, must find her way home after being returned to earth. This was a special request. Marg asked me to write a script that included one of her favourite characters, Florence Turvey, and CB radios. I recorded the voice of the waitress at the height of a really bad cold.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #609
 Bill Demmery Trucker Longhaul
 Dan Enright Lawrence Turvey
 Richard Hemphill Baanaanaa, Coffee Shop Waittress
 Andrew Kirkwood Gaadaan, Big Rod Jumbo Pole
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Florence Turvey

Ed and Emily (Back to Top)
When the automated attendant isn't so automated after all.
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2005.05.11 - Episode #620 and 3 repeats
Length: 05:29
 Damien Bailey Caller
 Richard Hemphill Greeting Voice
 Andrew Kirkwood Ed
 Tonia Snow Monica
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Emily

Edmonton - Know Zero's Hear! (Back to Top)
Edmonton's new "Gradefare" system keeps the good students from hogging all the marks!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Tonia Snow
Written: 2012.09.15
Recorded: 2012.09.21 at Cranky Gnome Studio
Produced: 2012.09.22
Aired: 2012.10.03 - Episode #1401
Length: 02:19
 Bill Demmery Announcer

Eight Days Toby Leary (Back to Top)
Author: Laughterpiece Theatre
Producer: Laughterpiece Theatre
Aired: 2011.11.23 - Episode #1308
Length: 01:01

El Trapudor (Back to Top)
El Trapudor explains the ins-and-outs of KooKoo's commitment-free cellphone plans!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2011.01.29 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.03.26
Aired: 2011.03.30 - Episode #1225 and 1 repeats
Length: 00:48
 Bill Demmery El Trapudor

Elections 2000 (Back to Top)
A show poking fun at party politics before the 2000 Canadian federal election.
LUCIEN BOUCHARD: You see there this big festering wound on the map oozing with scummy sickness and deprivation? That is Ontario. Do you see what we over here have to put up with? It's a disease. A rotting disease. Here on the shores of the Riviere Outaouais you see the wonderful city of Hull. This is where we keep all of our doctors to keep the disease from spreading into the belle province.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.11.21 - Episode #206
 Chris Laursen Tibsy, Mark, Lucien Bouchard
 Tina Malheiro Meko, Reba

Electric (Back to Top)
Apprentice Shane Black has to contend with the most cynical, annoying man on the planet, Ron Sado, to gain experience as an electrician. Fate has a strange way of twisting and turning when the adopted Shane learns who his natural parents are.
> What are you meat-ear deaf?
> Mack rack!Are you tone dull?
> You crockily piece of...
> Hey, micro nuts!
> Pit brain!
> Nostril bag!
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.08.28 - Episode #304
 Natasha Abraham Emily Sado
 Richard Hemphill Mr. Breyer, Mr. Dickles
 Mathieu Laperriere Shane Black
 Chris Laursen Ron Sado
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Kate

Elementary School Assembly (Back to Top)
Principal Big Ass (It's Bigus!) tries to keep the lid on an elementary school assembly. Mrs. Whalenose's class reflects on how Bippelberry County was founded. Mrs. Klompenboppel demonstrates proper ear cleaning techniques. Funky school band.
MRS. KLOMPENBOPPEL: I am swirling the Q-Tip inside of his ear and gently prodding out the stickly gunk inside. And I pull it out and voila! Oh, God, Principal Big Ass, you have quite a disgusting amount of wax inside of your ears! Look at that huge golden nugget I've panned out of there!
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.02.15 - Episode #107
 Chris Laursen Principal Bigus, Mr. Dobalina
 Linda Quinton-Ploughman Mrs. Klompenboppel
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mrs. Whalenose, Sammy, Mrs. Teetsgimmel

Elvis and Michael (Back to Top)
The confused adventures of a very bad Elvis impersonator.
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Aired: 2006.01.11 - Episode #711 and 1 repeats
Length: 09:41
 Marc-André Bélair Fireman, Michael Jackson
 Bill Demmery Elvis
 Richard Hemphill Manager, Priest
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Nurse
 Jenny Webster Cashier

Equal Opportunity Bigot (Back to Top)
Offense is in the selective eye of the beholder.
Author: Tonia Snow
Producer: Tonia Snow
Tech: Dave Sarazin
Recorded: 2006.02.25 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.03.25
Aired: 2006.03.29 - Episode #724 and 9 repeats
Length: 03:12
 Marc-André Bélair Joe
 Richard Hemphill Bubba-Cooter

Escape from IKEA (Back to Top)
Can you find your way out?
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.09.13 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.10.04
Aired: 2008.10.08 - Episode #1001 and 1 repeats
Length: 01:15
 Marc-André Bélair Bogdan
 Richard Hemphill Announcer
 Richard Parks Steve
 Tonia Snow Rachael

Everything Must Goia! (Back to Top)
Author: Laughterpiece Theatre
Producer: Laughterpiece Theatre
Aired: 2011.11.16 - Episode #1307
Length: 00:30

Evil GPS (Back to Top)
Just how much do you trust your GPS?
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Produced: 2011.01.23
Aired: 2011.01.26 - Episode #1216
Length: 03:27
 Bill Demmery Al
 Richard Parks Bob
 Richard Hemphill GPS

Extend-It! (Back to Top)
A porn star hosts an infomercial about a natural product which enlarges "that certain part of the male anatomy."
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.01.28 - Episode #507
Length: 08:56
 Dan Enright Announcer, Woman #3, Kim Chumbers
 Andrew Kirkwood Woman #1
 Chris Laursen Woman #2
 Bill Demmery Jon Buryme
 Damien Bailey Dr. Scott Boyles
 Tonia Snow Chance Gyp

Extreme Afterlife Makeover (Back to Top)
The Grim Reaper gets a makeover
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2007.04.25 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.05.06
Aired: 2007.05.30 - Episode #835 and 4 repeats
Length: 06:05
 Marc-André Bélair Robin
 Dan Enright Death
 Tonia Snow Sue
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Kaitlyn

Extremely Minute Risk (Back to Top)
Part 2 of 3. FBI Agent Wilson Westport seeks answers from Lila Lanark-County to help him solve the mysterious disappearance of Madison Wisconsin. The DEA discover mushrooms in rural Nebraska that point to Connor Winker's experiments in mind control.
CALABOGIE: Excuse me! Excuse me. F.B.I. Special Agent Christopher Calabogie, Wyoming District Office. Are you in charge of the local investigation?
CARLETON-PLACE: F.B.I.? It’s not often that we see your type around here.
CALABOGIE: I am the only Special Agent in the entire state. And nothing bad ever happens here...
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.09.03 - Episode #402
 Karl Claude Special Agent Christopher Calabogie, Television Anchor, Sammy's Father, Control Tower Worker #1
 Jamie Douglas Special Agent Wilson Westport, DEA Agent Peter Packenham, Reverend, Kennedy Airport Announcer
 Richard Hemphill Madison Wisconsin
 Chris Laursen Connor Winker, Lounge Singer, Carnival Barker, Pilot on Radio
 Shalome Swinamer Abelle Horror, Sasha Baronowski, Airport Security, DEA Agent, Supermarket Employee, Control Tower Worker #2
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Special Agent Lila Lanark-County, Sammy

eVast-dot-ca (Back to Top)
Pirate? Wench? Single? Look no further!
Authors: Bill Demmery, Tonia Snow
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.02.23 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.06.01
Aired: 2008.06.04 - Episode #936 and 7 repeats
Length: 02:30
 Richard Hemphill Announcer
 Bill Demmery Pirate #1
 Marc-André Bélair Pirate #2
 Tonia Snow Polly
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Wench #1

eVast-dot-ca #2 (Back to Top)
Description: boasts more pirate-wench matchups than any other online pirate datin' site. Come shiver yer timbers with us!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2011.04.02 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.05.08
Aired: 2011.05.11 - Episode #1231 and 1 repeats
Length: 01:34
 Richard Hemphill Announcer
 Tonia Snow Margarelle

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