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La Secret de la Jeunesse
Land of the Large
Language Lessons
Late Night with the Friendly Giant
Law and Order: Regular Victims
Limited Power
Little André
Little Freak
Lockout Loco
Lonely Travels
Lurlene Jones
le Tenant

La Secret de la Jeunesse (Back to Top)
Gymnastique en musique avec Jean et Janette. A spoof using a classic French-language exercise record from the 1950s.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.04.11 - Episode #113
 Heather Duthie Unknown
 Chris Laursen Unknown

Land of the Large (Back to Top)
June 12, 1983. While travelling in their rocket ship through outer space, the crew and passengers of suborbital flight 612, bound for London, hit an icy patch and are thrown off course through a space warp that takes them to a planet where everything is just about twice as big as it is on earth.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #715 and 1 repeats
 Marc-André Bélair Narrator, Todd Maggot, Guy at Ground Control
 Bill Demmery Doctor Mabuse
 Richard Hemphill Captain Lars Maggot
 Nancy Kenny Tammy
 Chris Smiley Professor Hijiki Takemoto
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Janex Maggot

Language Lessons (Back to Top)
Language lessons--by telephone! Selekten ein Option.
Author: Andrew Kirkwood
Producer: Andrew Kirkwood
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.03.10 - Episode #510
Length: 02:37
 Marc-André Bélair Telephone Voice
 Andrew Kirkwood Caller

Late Night with the Friendly Giant (Back to Top)
Friendly and the boys laugh it up, and Guy Fawkes brings the house down.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.07.12 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.10.07
Aired: 2006.11.08 - Episode #806 and 2 repeats
Length: 07:39
 Bill Demmery Friendly, Rusty, Jerome, Guy Fawkes
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Queen Elizabeth I

Law and Order: Regular Victims (Back to Top)
Mandy and Tulip swap cop tales.
Author: Shalome Swinamer
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Sarazin
Recorded: 2006.02.11 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.03.24
Aired: 2006.03.29 - Episode #724
Length: 06:42
 Richard Hemphill Announcer, Barney, Crazy Preacher
 Shalome Swinamer Mandy Goodbody, Taxi Driver
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Tulip Blooms

Limited Power (Back to Top)
A motivational lecture on how to conserve your limited power.
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Dave Sarazin
Recorded: 2005.11.26 at CKCU
Aired: 2006.01.11 - Episode #711 and 2 repeats
Length: 09:55
 Bill Demmery Cue Announcer
 Richard Hemphill Anthony Robbins

Little André (Back to Top)
Long before becoming a bus driver and union leader, little André Cornellier already wanted things his way or the highway...
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2009.01.19 at CKCU
Produced: 2009.01.19
Aired: 2009.01.14 - Episode #1016
Length: 01:18
 Bill Demmery Teacher, Little André, Announcer

Little Freak (Back to Top)
A freak cannot understand the concept of change at the local grocer's.
Author: Damien Bailey
Producer: Damien Bailey
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.12.03 - Episode #503
Length: 02:23
 Bill Demmery Little Freak
 Owen Spendlove Cashier
 Chris Laursen Clint
 Damien Bailey Blind Boy

Lockout Loco (Back to Top)
A laid-off hockey broadcaster goes nuts during the lockout and starts calling life as a play-by-play.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2005.05.07 at CKCU
Produced: 2005.12.03
Aired: 2006.01.18 - Episode #712
Length: 11:24
 Juanita DeVos Wilson
 Bill Demmery Bob Cool
 Richard Hemphill Chris Cutthroat, Stevie Cool
 Tonia Snow Helen Cool
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Edna, Tracy Cool

Lonely Travels (Back to Top)
A British couple encounter language difficulties while on vacation.
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.04.21 - Episode #515
Length: 06:30
 Flavia Ingham Woman
 Chris Laursen Man
 Marc-André Bélair Guenter

Lurlene Jones (Back to Top)
Lurlene Jones, the only woman in Buttonville, the town with the largest rabbit population in the United States, gives a tour of her town in this vintage radio documentary.
LURLENE: Why I heard the other day from the mail guy, Rawl Jones, that over in the big city where they got all that toxic stuff comin out of pipes that the rabbit droppin's are the colours of the rainbow! Geez, ain't those city folk the lucky ones!
Authors: Chris Laursen, Linda Quinton-Ploughman
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.01.18 - Episode #105
 Chris Laursen Pappy, Sheriff, Mecky, Meryl
 Linda Quinton-Ploughman Lurlene Jones

le Tenant (Back to Top)
A man enquires about a vacant apartment. "Nice doggie!"
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.02.04 - Episode #508
Length: 12:31
 Chris Laursen Thelomasqui
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Woman
 Karl Claude M. Zée
 Tonia Snow Angel, Alice
 Bill Demmery Hook
 Dan Enright Doctor Pepper, Thug #3
 Andrew Kirkwood Annoyed Neighbour, Thug #1
 Flavia Ingham Girl Guide
 Damien Bailey Thug #2

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