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Salt and Pepper
Saltspring Fried Tofu
Sanguina, Countess of Blood
Santa Claus Is Running This Town
Saskatchewan--We Can See Ya Comin' fer Three Days!
Sasquatch Achoo
Satan vs. Canada
Savage Remedies
Scarred for Life, Episode 1
Schwartz on Forts
Scourge of the Gatineau
Screaming Pitchmen
Season 3 Finale
Season 4 Finale
Season Two Finale
Secret Meat
Seeds of Greed
She's A Consumer
Shopping with Satan
Skeeter's Deli
Skin so Soft
Skippy's Radio Blog
Smartass Comments - Season Eight
Smartass Comments - Season Nine
Smartass Comments 2008
Sniffer Duster
Snoozy Suzie Gets a Hobby
Snoozy Suzie Goes Corporate
Snoozy Suzie Goes to the Ex
Snoozy Suzie in Charge
Snoozy Suzie's Summer Holidays
Snoozy Suzie's Valentine (Director's Cut)
Snoozy Suzie's Valentine, Part One
Snoozy Suzie's Valentine, Part Two
Snoozy Suzie's War
So You Think You Can Type!
Special Presentation
Spinning Tea Cups
Sponsored by Acme
Spumpo vs. Megapecklanon
Stalking Rick Mercer
Star Power Princess
Star Trek: Picard
Stick it to 'Em!
Stumble Upon A Button & Other Sordid Tales
Subtracting Matilda
Super God
Super Virginal BC
Surprise! and Out of Air 2008
Surprises - Season Eight
Suspicious White Powder
Suspicious White Powder (version 2)
Sweet, Sweet Flower
Swisher Mop

Saliva (Back to Top)
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2010.04.14 - Episode #1129 and 2 repeats
Length: 02:09

Salt and Pepper (Back to Top)
"Oh--Mr. Salt certainly does look good in those Speedos!"
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.04.07 - Episode #514 and 1 repeats
Length: 05:49
 Marc-André Bélair Mr. Pepper
 Flavia Ingham Mrs. Salt

Saltspring Fried Tofu (Back to Top)
Col. Suzuki does tofu right, man!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2009.03.28 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.11.18
Aired: 2011.11.23 - Episode #1308 and 1 repeats
Length: 01:58
 Richard Hemphill Announcer
 Tonia Snow Mom
 Dan Enright Col. Suzuki

Sanguina, Countess of Blood (Back to Top)
Some pesky kids stumble upon the castle of the queen of all the vampires. But why, even in the presence of two juicy young boys, is the Countess of Blood having so much trouble, you know... getting fang?
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2006.03.22 - Episode #723 and 4 repeats
 Marc-André Bélair Punt
 Bill Demmery Dondo
 Richard Hemphill Rumpquest
 Nancy Kenny Sanguina
 Tonia Snow Viola
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Pepper

Santa Claus Is Running This Town (Back to Top)
Santa Claus hires some muscle to help with 'donations' at the Toy Parade. Tooth Fairy subplot shamelessly appropriated from Richard Hemphill.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2005.11.26 at CKCU
Produced: 2005.12.11
Aired: 2005.12.14 - Episode #709 and 6 repeats
Length: 24:39
 Marc-André Bélair Max Kreeping
 Bill Demmery Vito Chiarelli
 Richard Hemphill Fire Chief Woody Burns
 Tonia Snow Little Suzie
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Verma Celli
 Dave Wade Santa Claus

Saskatchewan--We Can See Ya Comin' fer Three Days! (Back to Top)
You won't catch us by surprise in Sunny Saskatchewan! *Note: Marg recorded this skit in one take. We think she was channelling Wanda from Corner Gas...
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.04.05 at CKCU
Produced: 2009.05.04
Aired: 2009.05.06 - Episode #1031 and 4 repeats
Length: 00:37
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer

Sasquatch Achoo (Back to Top)
A Rheumy Sasquatch encounters a human in the forest.
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.10.14 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.04.09
Aired: 2007.04.11 - Episode #828 and 5 repeats
Length: 06:36
 Bill Demmery Human
 Dan Enright Sasquatch

Satan vs. Canada (Back to Top)
The Prince of Darkness sues over unlicensed use of "666."
Authors: Bill Demmery, Tonia Snow
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.05.13 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.06.25
Aired: 2006.11.08 - Episode #806 and 3 repeats
Length: 11:09
 Marc-André Bélair Judge
 Richard Hemphill Satan
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Defense Attorney

Savage Remedies (Back to Top)
Simple jungle savages help discover Viagra, make killing on pharma stocks.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.09.09 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.01.27
Aired: 2007.01.31 - Episode #818 and 2 repeats
Length: 01:51
 Bill Demmery Researcher #1, Savage #2
 Richard Hemphill Researcher #2, Savage #1
 Andrew Kirkwood Announcer
 Tonia Snow Translator

Scarred for Life, Episode 1 (Back to Top)
One of life's lessons set to music.
Producer: Richard Parks
Produced: 2008.12.01
Aired: 2008.12.03 - Episode #1009 and 1 repeats
Length: 00:52

Schwartz on Forts (Back to Top)
The intrepid Mike Schwartz is on a mission to repair shoddy treehouse jobs!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2005.05.21 at CKCU
Produced: 2005.05.29
Aired: 2005.06.01 - Episode #623 and 2 repeats
Length: 04:05
 Bill Demmery Mike Schwartz
 Jennifer Farr Officer #1
 Richard Hemphill Angry Father, Little Kid
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer, Old Lady, Officer #2

Scourge of the Gatineau (Back to Top)
It's mutiny when weekend swabs spot a coffee shop.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Written: 2004.11.27
Recorded: 2004.12.11 at CKCU
Produced: 2005.03.26
Aired: Episode #611 and 2 repeats
Length: 09:05
 Marc-André Bélair Salty Bruce, Sloppy Jack
 Bill Demmery Hook, Officer #2
 Dan Enright Shipwreck
 Richard Hemphill Jolly Richard, Officer #1
 Tonia Snow Earring
 Shalome Swinamer Mandy Cannonbody
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Anemone

Screaming Pitchmen (Back to Top)
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2010.02.24 - Episode #1122 and 2 repeats
Length: 02:25

Season 3 Finale (Back to Top)
Portable liposuction machine; Jeffy inquires into his aunt's relationship with his mother; Castro flees Cuba with a giant carrot; the wartorn world of being a temp.
DRAGONIA: When have you ever seen your mother or me eating children?
JEFFY: Last night. Last night while you were watching television, you had a big bowl full of buttered babies and you were eating them. I saw with my own two eyes.
DRAGONIA: We were eating popcorn, Jeffy.
JEFFY: Baby popcorn.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Dan Enright, Richard Hemphill
Producers: Chris Laursen, Dan Enright, Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.07.09 - Episode #333
 Dan Enright Unknown
 Monique Fuller Unknown
 Richard Hemphill Unknown
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Shawn Rocheleau Unknown
 Mary Shearman Unknown
 Shalome Swinamer Unknown
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Unknown

Season 4 Finale (Back to Top)
Authors: Chris Laursen, Dan Enright
Producers: Chris Laursen, Dan Enright
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.03.05 - Episode #423

Season Two Finale (Back to Top)
Ochto, Warrior God of Praaaaan goes to the Antiques Roadshow to determine the worth of a human heart; Martha and Dorothy endure a creepy whacko on the bus; the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty; Psycho causes chaos in the office.
WHACKO: Did you take a transfer when you boarded the bus? That's how buses reproduce, you know, by transfers. People go from bus to bus carrying transfers like bees carry pollen from flower to flower.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Richard Hemphill
Producers: Chris Laursen, Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.05.22 - Episode #225
 Richard Hemphill Ochto, Farmer Dan, Psycho, Martha, Whacko, Narrator, Martin Phincton
 Chris Laursen Antiques Appraiser, Preston Manning, Mr. Roston, Dorothy, David Dough
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Felisha Norbenborm, Melanie, Miss Wandell, Flower, Sleeping Beauty, Dan's Wife

Secret Meat (Back to Top)
Be sure to save the scraps for your dog.
Author: Damien Bailey
Producer: Damien Bailey
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #605 and 3 repeats
Length: 00:31
 Bill Demmery Guest
 Richard Hemphill Chef

Seeds of Greed (Back to Top)
A parody of "How To Be A Millionaire" and "Greed"; a spoof of "Star Trek: Voyager"; American Express card commercial; immigration woes.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.02.22 - Episode #108
 Chris Desjardins Unknown
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Linda Quinton-Ploughman Unknown
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Unknown
 Steven Tannahill Unknown

She's A Consumer (Back to Top)
Real propaganda from the real past.
Author: Unknown
Producer: Unknown
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.01.28 - Episode #507

Shopping with Satan (Back to Top)
Satan takes a guest on a shopping romp on his home turf... er, make that Wal-Mart.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Produced: 2008.01.01
Aired: 2008.01.02 - Episode #914 and 4 repeats
Length: 08:25
 Bill Demmery Alarm Voice, Clerk, Little Kid
 Richard Hemphill Himself
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer, Old Lady

Shtuffing (Back to Top)
Description Unavailable
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.12.24 - Episode #414

Skeeter's Deli (Back to Top)
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2010.02.17 - Episode #1121 and 2 repeats
Length: 02:31

Skin so Soft (Back to Top)
His skin is soft...
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.04.21 - Episode #515
Length: 01:01
 Dan Enright Man
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Woman

Skippy's Radio Blog (Back to Top)
Young Skippy skips his meds and goes on the air!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2005.10.01 at CKCU
Produced: 2005.10.03
Aired: 2005.10.05 - Episode #701 and 1 repeats
Length: 09:47
 Bill Demmery Voiceover
 Richard Hemphill Skippy
 Tonia Snow Beatrice
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom

Smartass Comments - Season Eight (Back to Top)
Sometimes [usually] the wisecracks are funnier than the scripts.
Author: Remote Planet
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2007.06.06 - Episode #836

Smartass Comments - Season Nine (Back to Top)
Sometimes [usually] the wisecracks are funnier than the scripts
Author: Remote Planet
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2008.06.18 - Episode #938

Smartass Comments 2008 (Back to Top)
Of course, the performers are always trying to be funnier than the writers.
Author: Remote Planet
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Produced: 2008.12.30
Aired: 2008.12.31 - Episode #1013

Sniffer Duster (Back to Top)
Sometimes, a commercial voiceover just sounds silly.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2011.04.02 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.05.08
Aired: 2011.05.11 - Episode #1231 and 1 repeats
Length: 00:32
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer

Snoozy Suzie Gets a Hobby (Back to Top)
Pressed to take up a hobby, Suzie discovers botany. She's soon a little expert, and all's well--until she takes her 'grass' samples in to Show-and-Tell. Listen for the reference to 'decoy bacon.'
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2010.01.30 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.11.07
Aired: 2011.11.09 - Episode #1306 and 1 repeats
Length: 11:35
 Tonia Snow Snoozy Suzie
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom
 Dave Wade Dad
 Richard Hemphill Mr. Battelwagen
 Marc-André Bélair Max Kreeping

Snoozy Suzie Goes Corporate (Back to Top)
Little Suzie sets up a lemonade stand, with the help of her little boyfriend, Hyper Harry. Relentless in their quest for market dominance, they're soon bigger than Microsoft. Then the investigations begin!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Musicians: 1240 Productions, Derek R. Audette
Recorded: 2008.11.15 at CKCU
Produced: 2010.03.21
Aired: 2010.03.24 - Episode #1126 and 2 repeats
Length: 25:10
 Marc-André Bélair Max Kreeping
 Richard Hemphill Clerk, Man #1
 Richard Parks Hyper Harry
 Tonia Snow Snoozy Suzie
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom
 Dave Wade Dad

Snoozy Suzie Goes to the Ex (Back to Top)
Fall fairs (and possibly Western civilisation) will never be the same after Suzie and Harry visit the Ex and ignite a smouldering labour crisis.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2007.07.21 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.09.30
Aired: 2007.10.10 - Episode #902
Length: 13:48
 Marc-André Bélair Max Kreeping
 Bill Demmery J.J. Clackers
 Richard Hemphill Carny, Tech
 Richard Parks Hyper Harry
 Tonia Snow Snoozy Suzie
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom
 Dave Wade Dad

Snoozy Suzie in Charge (Back to Top)
Mom's off to a weekend getaway, and Suzie takes charge. Daddy has to earn his bacon!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2010.11.27 at CKCU
Aired: 2011.01.12 - Episode #1214 and 2 repeats
Length: 14:11
 Tonia Snow Snoozy Suzie
 Richard Parks Hyper Harry
 Marc-André Bélair Max Kreeping
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom
 Dave Wade Dad

Snoozy Suzie's Summer Holidays (Back to Top)
Banned from Summer Camp, feisty little Snoozy Suzie builds her own.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.07.12 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.10.15
Aired: 2006.10.18 - Episode #803 and 1 repeats
Length: 13:50
 Bill Demmery Geezix
 Richard Hemphill Camp Counsellor, Little Kid
 Tonia Snow Snoozy Suzie
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom, Ms. Quarterpanel
 Dave Wade Dad

Snoozy Suzie's Valentine (Director's Cut) (Back to Top)
Little Snoozy Suzie rails against the overcommercialisation of Valentine's Day, and ignites a massive riot. Geezix recovers from his Hallowe'en injuries and becomes an inspiration to all, and Fire Chief Burns whips the Juvenile Delinquents into shape.
Originally aired in two parts. Condensed and presented here as a single episode.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2009.02.11 - Episode #1019 and 1 repeats
 Marc-André Bélair Juvenile Delinquent, Max Kreeping
 Bill Demmery Geezix
 Richard Hemphill Fire Chief Woody Burns, Mr. Muchengelt
 Richard Parks Hyper Harry
 Tonia Snow Snoozy Suzie
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Carol-Anne Meighen-Ewen, Mom, Mrs. Battelwagen, Stefany
 Dave Wade Dad

Snoozy Suzie's Valentine, Part One (Back to Top)
Little Snoozy Suzie rails against the overcommercialisation of Valentine's Day, and ignites a massive riot. Geezix recovers from his Hallowe'en injuries and becomes an inspiration toa ll, and Fire Chief Burns whips the Juvenile Delinquents into shape. Originally aired in two parts on February 14 and 21. Presented here as one integral episode.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2007.01.20 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.02.11
Aired: 2007.02.14 - Episode #820 and 2 repeats
Length: 19:51
 Marc-André Bélair Juvenile Delinquent, Max Kreeping
 Bill Demmery Geezix
 Richard Hemphill Fire Chief Woody Burns, Mr. Muchengelt
 Richard Parks Hyper Harry
 Tonia Snow Snoozy Suzie
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Carol-Anne Meighen-Ewen, Mom, Mrs. Battelwagen, Stefany
 Dave Wade Dad

Snoozy Suzie's Valentine, Part Two (Back to Top)
The conclusion of our new Valentine's classic. Audio portion included in #820 and omitted from this online episode.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2007.01.20 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.02.11
Aired: 2007.02.21 - Episode #821 and 2 repeats
Length: 14:26

Snoozy Suzie's War (Back to Top)
When Snoozy Suzie and Hyper Harry take a wrong turn and run afoul of the local gang of Juvenile Delinquents and Young Offenders, she plots horrible revenge. In the process, they hotwire the school bus and lead anti-terror forces (tipped off by an observant Fire Chief Burns) on a wild chase through the rough side of town. Harry gets away, outruns the newschopper, and qualifies for the Olympics; while Suzie inadvertently ends Stockwell Day's career. Mom and Dad suffer along sarcastically as Max and Carol-Anne deliver wall-to-wall coverage. A truly over-the-top performance by every member of the cast!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.05.03 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.12.05
Aired: 2011.12.07 - Episode #1310
Length: 25:13
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom, Carol-Anne Meighen-Ewen
 Tonia Snow Snoozy Suzie
 Dave Wade Dad
 Richard Parks Hyper Harry
 Richard Hemphill Chief Woody Burns
 Bill Demmery Geezix
 Marc-André Bélair Max Kreeping

Snort-Rite (Back to Top)
Some men just ain't comfortable at the pharmacy.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.02.25 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.03.14
Aired: 2006.03.15 - Episode #722 and 5 repeats
Length: 01:51
 Richard Hemphill Man
 Tonia Snow Clerk
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Woman

So You Think You Can Type! (Back to Top)
Test your typing to the limit on this great new radio reality show!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.11.15 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.01.10
Aired: 2009.01.14 - Episode #1015 and 3 repeats
Length: 01:04
 Marc-André Bélair Jeremichael, Willandrew
 Richard Hemphill Host, Judge
 Tonia Snow Announcer, Tracelle

Special Presentation (Back to Top)
A number of the Remote Planet crew gathered in the studio for a special, 90-minute episode. Reminisces mingled with an ad-hoc selection of sketches from the vaults. Feedback on Twitter trended ambivalently.
Author: Remote Planet
Producer: Remote Planet
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2011.12.28 - Episode #1312

Spinning Tea Cups (Back to Top)
Rhonda, locked in a contest of one-upmanship with her sister, opens a giant, rotating, flying café.
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #602 and 5 repeats
Length: 06:49
 Damien Bailey Announcer Guy
 Richard Hemphill Television Announcer
 Andrew Kirkwood Husband
 Tonia Snow Rhonda

Spongemates (Back to Top)
A psychologically unbalanced man wants to be more than roommates.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.11.26 - Episode #502
 Marc-André Bélair Man
 Flavia Ingham Susan

Sponsored by Acme (Back to Top)
A community events calendar from the year 2011.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.05.13 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.05.29
Aired: 2006.05.31 - Episode #733 and 3 repeats
Length: 01:57
 Marc-André Bélair Announcer #2
 Richard Hemphill Announcer #1
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer #3

Spumpo (Back to Top)
Dr. Atari unwittingly unleashes terror in Toyko when a serum created to cure ailing forests actually turns a dormant tree stump into a brooding monster.
TOMOYUKI: ...the thing is that they have stolen all four vials of the blue liquids... and none of them have been tested yet to see if they can rejuvenate diseased forests.
MASANORI: Rejuvenate diseased forests? You told me you were developing the liquid to enable men to run at superfast speeds!
YUKARI: You told me it would be a fountain of youth, a source of eternal beauty!
MASANORI: Were you lying to us, Tomo?
MASANORI and YUKARI: Oh... oh... (almost gleefully) Okay!
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.05.07 - Episode #332
 Dan Enright Tomoyuki, Father
 Monique Fuller Yukari, Girl
 Richard Hemphill Suzuki, Dr. Atari, Little Boy, Cracker
 Chris Laursen Yamaha, Guru, Sgt. Black
 Shawn Rocheleau Masanori, Male Student, Private

Spumpo vs. Megapecklanon (Back to Top)
Giant monster Megapecklanon has emerged from the forest to terrorize unsuspecting Japan. It's up to the determined Tomoyuki and his ragtag band of comrades to release his accidental monster, Spumpo, to do battle with the newcomer!
Authors: Andrew Kirkwood, Dan Enright, Chris Laursen
Producers: Andrew Kirkwood, Dan Enright, Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.03.03 - Episode #509
Length: 31:04
 Damien Bailey Takamoto, Fumiguchi's Assistant, Boat Captain
 Bill Demmery Flashpack Knapwit, Australian Adventurer, Dr. Atari
 Dan Enright Woodpecker, Tomoyuki
 Monique Fuller Yukari
 Flavia Ingham Queen Elizabeth II
 Andrew Kirkwood Brusier, Bystander #2
 Chris Laursen Masanori, Philip
 Dylan Place Fumiguchi, Bird Expert, Japanese Elvis Impersonator, Bystander #1
 Tonia Snow TV Announcer, Radio Announcer

Squeak! (Back to Top)
Catch the hazy new craze that's sweeping Vancouver!
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Dave Sarazin
Recorded: 2006.02.25 at CKCU
Aired: 2006.03.29 - Episode #724 and 6 repeats
Length: 03:27
 Marc-André Bélair British Chap
 Bill Demmery Mayor Cliffy
 Richard Hemphill Announcer, Stoned Dude

Stalking Rick Mercer (Back to Top)
Tonia's obsession exposed!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producers: Bill Demmery, Tonia Snow
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.02.11 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.03.15
Aired: 2006.03.15 - Episode #722 and 6 repeats
Length: 06:31
 Marc-André Bélair Michael
 Bill Demmery Rick Mercer
 Richard Hemphill Justice Gomery, Kermit
 Tonia Snow Tonia
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Alice

Star Power Princess (Back to Top)
Newly invested with super powers, Princess Star-Anise travels to the South-Eastern Provinces with her tubercular chipmunk to do battle with her father's sworn enemy, General Tsao, who turns out not to be quite as evil as expected.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #702 and 3 repeats
 Bill Demmery King Pow, Pucker
 Dan Enright General Tsao
 Richard Hemphill Sorceror, Jimmy-Page, Doctor Mu-Shu
 Nancy Kenny Princess Star Anise
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Narrator, Ptomaine

Star Trek: Picard (Back to Top)
Let's reboot young Jean-Luc! And let's be cruel about it!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Recorded: 2009.05.09Demmery_B
Produced: 2009.11.14
Aired: 2009.11.18 - Episode #1108
Length: 01:04
 Bill Demmery Young Jean-Luc Picard, Young Will Riker
 Richard Hemphill Announcer
 Richard Parks Young Worf
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Young Deanna Troi

Stick it to 'Em! (Back to Top)
Kid Pro Technologies helps you apply just the right balance of TLC and duct tape to your unruly or uncontrollable children.
Author: Tonia Snow
Producer: Tonia Snow
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2009.10.17 at CKCU
Produced: 2010.03.22
Aired: 2010.04.07 - Episode #1128 and 3 repeats
Length: 03:11
 Marc-André Bélair Little Neville
 Bill Demmery Announcer
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Julie

Stumble Upon A Button & Other Sordid Tales (Back to Top)
Lurlene Jones takes a rabbit poacher hostage; public civil servants battle it out; sex-crazed woman seeks special service from her mechanic; parents keep an electronic eye on teen driving habits.
WOLF: Your mother wasn’t too happy to see me, Sammy.
SAMMY: I didn’t realize that fire extinguishers could fight fathers too!
WOLF: I wonder why she’s still so scared of me? Surely, she doesn’t believe that I’m the one responsible for her being stuck in that mineshaft for five days...
SAMMY: It was fourteen days, Father!
WOLF: We only knew she was stuck in the mineshaft for five days, Sammy. The other nine days, she was simply considered a missing person. Besides, it was Doctor Zero who collapsed the mine, not me. Doctor Zero was solely responsible!
SAMMY: No wonder Doctor Zero isn’t our dentist anymore.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Dan Enright
Producers: Chris Laursen, Dan Enright
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.10.15 - Episode #408
 Juanita DeVos Unknown
 Jamie Douglas Unknown
 Dan Enright Unknown
 Monique Fuller Unknown
 Jody Haucke Unknown
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Megan McDonald Unknown
 Linda Quinton-Ploughman Unknown
 Shawn Rocheleau Unknown
 Mary Shearman Unknown
 Shalome Swinamer Unknown
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Unknown

Subtracting Matilda (Back to Top)
Troubles with the Dream-Sharing Program. "Were they naked? You'd like that, wouldn't you, Shane?"
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.04.28 - Episode #516
Length: 07:21
 Andrew Kirkwood Shane
 Chris Laursen Craig
 Tonia Snow Beth

Super God (Back to Top)
God is challenged by a megalomaniac who claims to be Super God.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.12.03 - Episode #503 and 2 repeats
Length: 04:34
 Bill Demmery God
 Dan Enright Super God
 Chris Laursen St. Peter

Super Virginal BC (Back to Top)
As you've seen on TV, BC is only inhabited by skiers and kayakers.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.04.05 at CKCU
Produced: 2009.05.31
Aired: 2009.06.03 - Episode #1035 and 2 repeats
Length: 01:03
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer

Surprise! and Out of Air 2008 (Back to Top)
Sometimes something funny catches us by surprise. And sometimes we forget to breathe!
Author: Remote Planet
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Produced: 2008.12.30
Aired: 2008.12.31 - Episode #1013

Surprises - Season Eight (Back to Top)
Sometimes our lines are actually funny.
Author: Remote Planet
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2007.06.06 - Episode #836

Suspicious White Powder (Back to Top)
Two FBI agents, Lila Lanark-County and Al Arnprior, are sent to a small Nebraska town to investigate a possible source of the nation-wide anthrax scare. Little do they realize that they are about to become a pawn in a 17 year old's devious conspiracy.
MADISON: So the kid looked like Harry Potter?
LILA: A *grown-up* Harry Potter.
MADISON: He sure does look like Harry Potter in this drawing. That is if Harry Potter has such a toned, muscular body. I certainly hope J.K. Rowling doesn't get a hold of this picture. The last thing the F.B.I. needs is a major lawsuit...
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.10.23 - Episode #311
 Richard Hemphill Special Agent Al Arnprior, Madison Wisconsin, Henry Pichuk
 Chris Laursen Connor Winker, Patron
 Shalome Swinamer Abelle Horror, Sasha Baronowski
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Special Agent Lila Lanark-County

Suspicious White Powder (version 2) (Back to Top)
Part 1 of 3. Two FBI agents are sent to a small Nebraska town to investigate a possible source of the nation-wide anthrax scare. Little do they realize that they are about to become a pawn in a 17-year-old's devious conspiracy. The prelude in the Lanark-County Trilogy, originally aired October 23, 2002, with an added skit, "How Did A Baby Get In There?"
ABELLE: Can I get you two a stick of anything?
ARNPRIOR: A stick?
ABELLE: That’s sort of the charm of the Horror’s House, sir. Everything is served in sticks. We have fish sticks, bread sticks, pepperoni sticks, sticks of gum...
LANARK-COUNTY: I’ll have the stick of mint soup.
ABELLE: Anything to drink with that?
LANARK-COUNTY: Err... a stick of water would be fine.
ABELLE: And for you, sir?
ARNPRIOR: I’ll have something hot and sticky.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.08.27 - Episode #401
 Richard Hemphill Special Agent Al Arnprior, Madison Wisconsin, Henry Pichuk
 Chris Laursen Connor Winker, Patron
 Shalome Swinamer Abelle Horror, Sasha
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Special Agent Lila Lanark-County

Sweet, Sweet Flower (Back to Top)
Legendary supermodel Flower is nominated as a political candidate and outlines her platform.
Down with the Regressive-Preservatives!
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.04.28 - Episode #516
Length: 06:50
 Andrew Kirkwood Son
 Chris Laursen Father
 Dan Enright Campaigner
 Shalome Swinamer Announcer
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Flower

Swisher Mop (Back to Top)
Retired adult video stars Jon Buryme and Candi Cans flog a revolutionary new mop in their own inimitable way.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.11.15 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.11.26
Aired: 2006.11.29 - Episode #809 and 6 repeats
Length: 11:48
 Bill Demmery Jon Buryme
 Tonia Snow Candi Cans

Switzerland (Back to Top)
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.09.13 at CKCU
Aired: 2010.02.10 - Episode #1120 and 2 repeats
Length: 04:30

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