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TV Reversal: Star Trek Voyager
Tardzan: Lord of the Boardroom
Tears Are Not Enough
Temporarily Yours
Test Drive
Thanks 4 Asking
Thanks for Shopping Endlessly
That Shiny Thing
The 39 Steps Revisited
The Adventures of Dirty Sanchez
The Adventures of Random Man
The Allergy Fairy
The Angel Hunter
The Apprentice: Tardzan
The Astounding Adventures of Invinc-O-Man
The Astounding Adventures of Invinc-O-Man 2005
The Backwards Episode
The Bedtime Story
The Big Oh!
The Brightest Star
The Bus Fairy
The Bus Ride
The Camel's Hump (1967)
The Case of The Slanderous Sleuths
The Case of the Junior Sleuths
The Casey Kenny Show
The Catatonia La Veuve Investigation
The Chlorinator
The Christmas Episode
The Clock Fairy
The Clown
The Club for Smokers
The Definitive Guide To Things That Exist Today But Didn't Yesterday
The Detonation Channel
The Diary of Saliva-Jane
The Dinner Guests Who Came to Dinner
The Dinner Guests who Came to Dinner 2006
The Drunken Bastard Review
The Drunken Master Baiter Review
The Effemiray
The Exploding Gourmet
The Federal Department of Comedy
The Fertility Fairy
The Flin Flon Street Poets
The French Episode
The Friday Fairy
The Germinator
The Girls of the U.N.
The Guvinator
The Heckling Fairy
The House of Helgi
The Housework Fairy
The Human Machine
The Interrogation
The Leper
The Local Ottawa Cougar
The Making of 'Le Grand Film Canadien de Désastre'"
The Making of Remote Planet
The Merely Malevolent Doctor
The New Guy
The Night Shift
The One-Tonne Challenge
The Parable of Nature
The Queen of Breaking Winds Estates
The Rectal Muffler
The Remote Before Christmas
The Restaurant
The Return of Indira Mombira
The Revenge of Saliva-Jane
The Rise and Fall of Montcalm Wolfe
The Road Trip
The Scottish Anti-Defamation League
The Sex Fairy
The She Pirate
The She Pirate 2007
The Shrunken Master Review
The Shut-Up Fairy
The Silence of Pompeii
The Snobby Dollar
The Squeaky Tire
The Squeaky Tire, Smartass Edition
The Story of Snow White
The Story of the Three Pigs
The Straight Eye
The Taming of the West
The Tea Party
The Tea Party 2007
The Tent
The Three Bears
The Three Bears 2005
The Tooters
The Transbummers
The Treat Fairy
The Trial of Catatonia La Veuve
The Truth About Papa Stone
The Undertheweather Network
The Warmup Fairy
The Wrong Target
This Illness I Possess
Thoroughly Modern Prometheus
Thunder Death
Top Squad
Top Squad 3: The Iron Will
Top Squad II: The Bread Factory
Transit Psycho #2
Two Photographers

TV Reversal: Star Trek Voyager (Back to Top)
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.12.17 - Episode #413

Tardzan: Lord of the Boardroom (Back to Top)
Our ape-brained hero interviews for the CEO's chair.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2005.03.19 at CKCU
Produced: 2005.04.14
Aired: 2005.04.20 - Episode #616
Length: 19:11
 Damien Bailey Bruce from Accounting
 Bill Demmery Hook
 Dan Enright Super God
 Richard Hemphill Tardzan
 Tonia Snow Jessica Janeman, Secretary
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Flower

Tears Are Not Enough (Back to Top)
Canada's brightest community radio sketch-comedy talents come together for a benefit song after the roof collapses at BC Place. From Dan Enright's Laughterpiece Theatre in Vancouver.
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2007.01.13 at CKCU, Laughterpiece Theatre
Aired: 2007.01.24 - Episode #817 and 2 repeats
Length: 04:14
 Bill Demmery  
 Dan Enright  
 Richard Hemphill  
 Richard Parks  
 David Wignal  
 Jenny Young  

Temporarily Yours (Back to Top)
Temp agency terror.
Author: Tonia Snow
Producer: Tonia Snow
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.03.25 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.04.22
Aired: 2006.04.26 - Episode #728 and 7 repeats
Length: 04:35
 Marc-André Bélair Candidate
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Recruiter

Test Drive (Back to Top)
A young couple rehearse the future of their marriage.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.04.01 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.04.23
Aired: 2006.05.03 - Episode #729
Length: 02:43
 Richard Hemphill He
 Shalome Swinamer She

Thanks 4 Asking (Back to Top)
A young man breaks the news to his parents: he's... Super.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Sarazin
Recorded: 2006.03.18 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.05.28
Aired: 2006.05.31 - Episode #733 and 9 repeats
Length: 03:33
 Bill Demmery Son
 Richard Hemphill Dad
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom

Thanks for Shopping Endlessly (Back to Top)
An announcer at the Bay says it as it is, plus 10% off!
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #605 and 3 repeats
Length: 03:28
 Dan Enright Announcer

That Shiny Thing (Back to Top)
Spoof of Kubrick's horror classic. An unemployed teacher accepts a job to look after a remote mountain hotel with his wife and son during the winter, unaware that the viewer-hungry ghosts of television past are waiting to take over the show.
This Mike Brady, he, uh, went and hid in this room all winter long and starved to death... Carol, not being able to deal without a dominant yet overly optimistic male figure to guide her, went berserk. She chopped her lovely girls into, uh, bite-sized pieces and then pickled them. Then she, uh, chopped herself up into bite sized pieces, starting from her toes, up her legs... but the time she got up to her... ummm, upper leg area... she lost her nerve and ended up bleeding to death. They found her body and she had this, uh, plastic-like smile on her face. Almost Barbie-like.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.12.11 - Episode #315
 Natasha Abraham Nora, the Brady Girls
 Richard Hemphill Danny Ignorrance, "Tony", Stuart Dullman, Waddles
 Chris Laursen Jack Ignorrance
 Shalome Swinamer Carol Brady
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Wendy, Indira Mombira

The 39 Steps Revisited (Back to Top)
Documentary: A fusion of the classic Hitchcock film with modern electronic music.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.06.26 - Episode #122
 Chris Laursen Himself

The Adventures of Dirty Sanchez (Back to Top)
Jose Jimenez launches a campaign to rid the airwaves of that affront to Mexican dignity: the animated cartoon character, Dirty Sanchez.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #707
 Marc-André Bélair Jose Jimenez
 Bill Demmery Dirty Sanchez, Manuel Obraderas
 Richard Hemphill Inspector, Pepe, el Presidente, Caca Fuente
 Andrew Kirkwood a Cop
 Marg Tannahill-Wade a Cop, Papilloma Jimenez, Director
 Jenny Webster Announcer

The Adventures of Random Man (Back to Top)
Our split-personality hero stops crimes through random acts!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.07.29 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.12.12
Aired: 2007.01.10 - Episode #815 and 3 repeats
Length: 08:06
 Marc-André Bélair Announcer, Robber #2
 Bill Demmery Bystander #1, Radio Announcer
 Richard Hemphill Bystander #2, Random Man, Robber #1, Server
 Andrew Kirkwood Bank Manager, Bank Teller, Random Man
 Tonia Snow Chaos Girl

The Allergy Fairy (Back to Top)
A sympathetically-suffering supernatural gives relief from springtime allergies. No catch.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2012.04.28 at CKCU
Produced: 2012.05.07
Aired: 2012.05.09 - Episode #1331
Length: 02:38
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Wife
 Bill Demmery Husband
 Richard Hemphill Allergy Fairy

The Angel Hunter (Back to Top)
A fond and slightly cheeky tribute to the late Paul Irwin.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.10.14 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.12.03
Aired: 2006.12.13 - Episode #811 and 5 repeats
Length: 02:16
 Bill Demmery The Angel Hunter
 Richard Hemphill Caught Angel
 Tonia Snow Singing Angel

The Apprentice: Tardzan (Back to Top)
Pitch business idea, Tardzan trash, you fired. Got it?
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.03.18 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.05.10
Aired: 2006.05.10 - Episode #730 and 1 repeats
Length: 15:30
 Bill Demmery Joe Schmoinsky, Donald Trump
 Dan Enright Super God
 Richard Hemphill Tardzan
 Tonia Snow Su Mi
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer, Martha Stewart

The Astounding Adventures of Invinc-O-Man (Back to Top)
Evil criminal Lester Beware ponders his last pummeling at the hands of the undefeatable superhero Invinc-O-Man. A future supermodel and huge fan of Beware's, Flower, seems to think she can undo Invinc-O-Man's invincibility.
Lester Beware prepares to set his evil plan into motion. In the laboratory, he unveils his earth-shrinking machine to his capable assistant.
LESTER: Gaze upon this marvelous contraption, Onion.
ONION: I (sniffle) already told you it looked huge in those pants, Master.
LESTER: My earth-shrinking machine, you fatuous fool.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.09.25 - Episode #308
 Richard Hemphill Lester Beware, Redundoboy, Announcer
 Chris Laursen Invinc-O-Man, Onion
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Flower, Video Store Clerk

The Astounding Adventures of Invinc-O-Man 2005 (Back to Top)
Evil criminal Lester Beware ponders his last pummeling at the hands of the undefeatable superhero Invinc-O-Man. A future supermodel and huge fan of Beware's, Flower, seems to think she can undo Invinc-O-Man's invincibility. An adaptation of the original hour-long episode aired September 25, 2001.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #614
 Richard Hemphill Lester Beware, Redundoboy, Announcer
 Chris Laursen Invinc-O-Man, Onion
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Flower, Video Store Clerk

The Backwards Episode (Back to Top)
An entire episode done from end to beginning, featuring dead air, Rosie and Gregory's radio debut, satire of CKCU.
GREGORY: a strange silly thing happened to me last night on the computer which I have a hard time explainin'
ROSIE: Ohhh?
GREGORY: Y'see I turned on the computer and I got this strange little thing on the top of the screen which said OM...
ROSIE: Oh, OM, y'say...
GREGORY: ...which was quite a wee surprise to say the least and I wondered what could possibly be going on there. Do ya have any theories, Rosie?
ROSIE: Oh yesss, I do. I think you're the early victim of the Second Coming, dear. Millennium Bug II. It's going to hit us on February 29th, 2000, the leap year day, lad.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Marg Tannahill-Wade
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.02.08 - Episode #106
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Unknown

The Bedtime Story (Back to Top)
Jeffy's uncle tells him a romantic tale about how Prince Byron's quest to find his Prince Charming is thwarted by the evil machinations of the cruel Princess Maria-Salacia.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #601 and 2 repeats
 Damien Bailey Sycophant, the Queen, Prince Stone Cold Steve Austin
 Bill Demmery King Luprecht, Priest
 Dan Enright Blinky
 Richard Hemphill Narrator, Jeffy
 Andrew Kirkwood Prince Byron
 Mary Shearman Flossy
 Tonia Snow Princess Maria-Salacia

The Big Oh! (Back to Top)
News item: Olympic Stadium finally paid off! (And falling apart...)
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2007.02.03 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.03.08
Aired: 2007.04.25 - Episode #830 and 6 repeats
Length: 03:18
 Amy Ford Mlle. Lortie
 Richard Hemphill Mayor Tremblay
 Richard Parks M. Potvin
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer, Mme. Guertin

The Brightest Star (Back to Top)
Police investigate the mysterious disappearance of a man's true love, only to find out that he's simply searching for the ghost of his long-dead mother.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.05.09 - Episode #117
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Unknown
 Rachel Tannahill Unknown

The Bus Fairy (Back to Top)
Sometimes, no magic is required.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2012.04.28 at CKCU
Produced: 2012.05.16
Aired: 2012.05.23 - Episode #1333
Length: 04:17
 Tonia Snow Woman #1
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Woman #2
 Richard Hemphill Bus Fairy

The Bus Ride (Back to Top)
Society takes transit home.
Author: Damien Bailey
Producer: Damien Bailey
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.11.19 - Episode #501
Length: 00:09
 Damien Bailey Bus Rider
 Dan Enright Laptop Guy
 Chris Laursen Cynical Passenger, Cellphone Nut, Braggart #2
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Old Lady #1 (Emma)
 Shalome Swinamer Old Lady #2

The Camel's Hump (1967) (Back to Top)
Raymond wants nothing more than to become a first rate adventure novelist. The problem is, when he starts writing he can never get past page one. That is until an underground porn filmmaker "discovers" him.
CONNIE LINGUS: Do you like sex?
RAYMOND: Well, if it's Thursday night... I have little say in the matter.
MUSIC MADNESS: 1967 hits: "The Look of Love" by Dusty Springfield, "All You Need Is Love" by the Beatles, "Somebody to Love" by Jefferson Airplane.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.11.20 - Episode #312
 Marc-André Bélair Raymond, Carlita
 Chris Laursen Mr. Zapp, Gregory, David Dough
 Shalome Swinamer Connie Lingus, Mohmeed, Juan Carlos, Nurse
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Prunella, Cookie, Rosie

The Case of The Slanderous Sleuths (Back to Top)
In the coastal town of Bayport, the Smarmy Boys cleverly crack another unsolved mystery. But rival junior detectives are getting tired of being beaten to the punch and make plans to frame Frank Smarmy.
WARDEN: Visiting time is up, Miss.
IOLA: Oh, Frank. I have to go now.
FRANK: Will you wait for me, Iola?
IOLA: Jeez. I don't know, Frank. Are you going to be long? I've got a cab waiting outside, and its meter is running.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.03.19 - Episode #326
 Ryan Cloutier Leroy "Encyclopedia" Mauve
 Richard Hemphill Fenton Smarmy
 Hannah Jacobs Iola
 Jacques Lauperr Frank Smarmy
 Chris Laursen the Inspector
 Alessia Lupiano Nancy Shrew
 Flor de Maria Miranda Joe Smarmy
 Shalome Swinamer Laura Smarmy

The Case of the Junior Sleuths (Back to Top)
When Professor Octopus is fingered by the Smarmy Boys for a crime he didn't commit, Nancy Shrew and Leroy Mauve team up to frame young Frank--who just happens to be the real killer.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #618 and 3 repeats
 Marc-André Bélair Leroy Mauve
 Bill Demmery Inspector Harvest, Joe Smarmy
 Richard Hemphill Professor Octopus, Fenton Smarmy, Gertrude Smarmy, Prison Guard
 Andrew Kirkwood Frank Smarmy
 Tonia Snow Nancy Shrew
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Laura Smarmy, Iola Mortar

The Casey Kenny Show (Back to Top)
A rookie sportscaster gets his big break to host a radio show, but much to his dismay, the Remote Planet Propaganda Machine want him to do a human interest show. Featuring baked Maritime seniors, squirrel advocate, Martian marine warrior.
Blur's "Song 2" became a massive sports anthem in the late 1990s. Goes to show that if you put a "woohoo" or two in a tune, it meets the minimum language requirements of an "arena sing-a-long."
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.12.18 - Episode #316
 Casey Kenny Himself
 Chris Laursen Various Characters
 Shalome Swinamer Various Characters

The Catatonia La Veuve Investigation (Back to Top)
Eleven times a widow, Catatonia La Veuve is hauled into the local precinct to be questioned by detectives Lincoln Nebraska and Madison Wisconsin. Will her misfortunes be revealed as the purrrfect crime?
CATATONIA: I was married for a day to a naval engineer who insisted I refer to him as Captain Lucky. An ironic nickname...
LINCOLN: Ah, yes, poor Captain Lucky. Drowned, I believe, in a bowl of clear broth.
CATATONIA: I feel quite responsible for his death, as I was the one who encouraged him to try to overcome what I thought was an irrational fear of soup.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.09.11 - Episode #306
 Natasha Abraham Catatonia La Veuve
 Richard Hemphill Madison Wisconsin
 Chris Laursen Det. Lincoln Nebraska

The Chlorinator (Back to Top)
Gay action-movie hero Helmut Weissenegger goes on a rampage across "Queensville" in pursuit of a non-existent Chlorine Baron.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.02.25 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.03.09
Aired: 2007.03.14 - Episode #824
Length: 16:13
 Marc-André Bélair Engineer, Max Kreeping
 Bill Demmery Helmut Weissenegger, J.J. Clackers
 Richard Hemphill Announcer, Clerk #2, Policeman
 Tonia Snow Agnes
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Carolyn Waldorf, Clerk #1
 Dave Wade Clerk #3, Pool Boy

The Christmas Episode (Back to Top)
How to make your own reindeer ornaments from used winter gloves and toilet paper rolls; Ren and Stimpy carols; Second City troupe celebrate Christmas; Run-DMC's Christmas in Hollis.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Marg Tannahill-Wade
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 1999.12.21 - Episode #104
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Unknown

The Clock Fairy (Back to Top)
Time changes these days mean setting a lot of clocks. Luckily, the Clock Fairy's on it.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Bill Demmery
Written: 2012.09.15
Recorded: 2012.09.22 at CKCU
Produced: 2012.09.29
Aired: 2012.11.07 - Episode #1406
Length: 02:53
 Richard Hemphill Clock Fairy
 Caitlin Oleson Wife
 Richard Parks Husband

The Clown (Back to Top)
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2010.02.24 - Episode #1122 and 3 repeats
Length: 06:45

The Club for Smokers (Back to Top)
You'll never smoke (or eat solids) again!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.04.05 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.10.05
Aired: 2008.10.08 - Episode #1001 and 2 repeats
Length: 01:47
 Bill Demmery Voiceover
 Richard Hemphill Henry
 Tonia Snow Wife

The Definitive Guide To Things That Exist Today But Didn't Yesterday (Back to Top)
Local anchorwoman exalts President Bush's reputation; movie serial hero Buck Nobbers faces a bind in Gimli, Manitoba; a man's obsession with smudges on glass goes too far; Neil Young sings about hitchhiking.
JUDITH PLEDGE: Research shows that 11 out of every 10 Americans suffer from myopia! It's true! Eleven out of ten! I read it on the Internet!
Authors: Chris Laursen, Jamie Douglas
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.09.17 - Episode #404
 Tamara Beaudoin Unknown
 Marc-André Bélair Unknown
 Karl Claude Unknown
 Jamie Douglas Unknown
 Dan Enright Unknown
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Shalome Swinamer Unknown
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Unknown

The Detonation Channel (Back to Top)
Educational television features a lot of explosives, these days.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2011.04.02 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.11.19
Aired: 2011.11.23 - Episode #1308
Length: 00:52
 Richard Parks Announcer

The Diary of Saliva-Jane (Back to Top)
Vindictive tween, Saliva-Jane Moxon, exacts elaborate revenge on her sworn enemy, Penny Nickels
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #714 and 1 repeats
 Bill Demmery Jason Chambers
 Richard Hemphill Narrator, several students at the end
 James MacFarlane Home Room Teacher, Mister Metadente, several students at the end
 Carla Parchelo Miss Driver, Miss Romproust
 Tonia Snow Penny Nickels
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Saliva-Jane Moxon

The Dinner Guests Who Came to Dinner (Back to Top)
Augusta and Macon Georgia invite potential business partner Montgomery Alabama and his wife Mobile over for dinner. Mobile, not permitted to drink liquids because of a precarious physiological balance, gets into the wine and beligerance ensues.
AUGUSTA: Macon has never had a disease in his life.
MACON: I have a solid constitution.
AUGUSTA: Like Sweden.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.08.07 - Episode #301
 Richard Hemphill Macon Georgia, Mobile Alabama, Waddles
 Chris Laursen Augusta Georgia, Montgomery Alabama

The Dinner Guests who Came to Dinner 2006 (Back to Top)
Augusta and Macon Georgia invite potential business partner Montgomery Alabama and his wife Mobile over for dinner. Mobile, not permitted to drink liquids because of a precarious physiological balance, gets into the wine, and belligerence ensues. First aired August 7, 2001.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #721
 Richard Hemphill Macon Georgia, Mobile Alabama, Waddles
 Chris Laursen Augusta Georgia, Montgomery Alabama

The Drunken Bastard Review (Back to Top)
A cheeky salute to the wonderful show which follows Remote Planet at 5pm.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.03.25 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.05.21
Aired: 2006.05.24 - Episode #732 and 3 repeats
Length: 01:55
 Bill Demmery Bastard #3
 Dan Enright Ticket Clerk
 Richard Hemphill Bastard #1
 Dave Wade Bastard #2
 Tonia Snow Announcer

The Drunken Master Baiter Review (Back to Top)
Another cheeky salute to the Drunken Master Review, which follows Remote Planet at 5pm.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.03.18 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.05.27
Aired: 2006.05.31 - Episode #733 and 3 repeats
Length: 03:55
 Bill Demmery Baiter #3
 Dan Enright Baiter #2
 Richard Hemphill Baiter #1
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer

The Effemiray (Back to Top)
Three corporate machos connect with their feminine sides in the pink glow of a dying fluourescent light.
Author: Andrew Kirkwood
Producer: Andrew Kirkwood
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #602 and 2 repeats
Length: 01:45
 Bill Demmery Jerry
 Richard Hemphill Hank
 Andrew Kirkwood Jack

The Exploding Gourmet (Back to Top)
Your favourite radio chef is explosively funny...
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.05.03 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.06.01
Aired: 2008.06.04 - Episode #936 and 5 repeats
Length: 00:28
 Bill Demmery Announcer
 Richard Hemphill Graham

The Federal Department of Comedy (Back to Top)
An idea so stupid it could happen.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.03.25 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.04.09
Aired: 2006.04.12 - Episode #726 and 2 repeats
Length: 07:47
 Marc-André Bélair Pierre
 Bill Demmery Mike
 Richard Hemphill Steve, Announcer
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Cathy

The Fertility Fairy (Back to Top)
Gotta hold the Fertility Fairy at bay.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2011.04.02 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.05.08
Aired: 2011.05.11 - Episode #1231 and 1 repeats
Length: 00:41
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Wife
 Marc-André Bélair Husband
 Richard Hemphill Fertility Fairy

The Flin Flon Street Poets (Back to Top)
Three street poets from Flin Flon, Manitoba, reflect on their new found local fame in this CBC-styled mockumentary.
CHARLIE: The waitress pays attention that what hand you tend to use the most whenever you go there, and she puts the handle so that you can pick the cup up using the hand that you commonly use.
MADGE: Isn't her boss ambidextrous?
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.09.26 - Episode #201
 Natasha Abraham Madge Staples
 Chris Laursen Charlie Bronson
 Tina Malheiro Christi Brunkle

The French Episode (Back to Top)
Québec Minister of Culture Cecile Marchand defends her province's heritage in this showcase of francophone music and humour.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Marg Tannahill-Wade
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.05.02 - Episode #116
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Unknown
 Rachel Tannahill Unknown

The Friday Fairy (Back to Top)
Be careful what you wish for!
Authors: Bill Demmery, Tonia Snow
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.11.15 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.11.24
Aired: 2008.11.26 - Episode #1008 and 3 repeats
Length: 04:15
 Marc-André Bélair Co-Worker, Getaway Genie
 Richard Hemphill Friday Fairy
 Tonia Snow Rima

The Germinator (Back to Top)
Gay action-hero Helmut Weissenegger stars in a new romp, at his fortified compound just outside the Seaway community code-named "Stinkytown". When boredom sets in, he takes up gardening--only to find himself in a life-or-death struggle with hordes of invading vermin!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2007.09.08 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.03.16
Aired: 2011.03.16 - Episode #1223 and 1 repeats
Length: 13:10
 Bill Demmery Helmut Weissenegger
 Dave Wade Hoe Boy
 Richard Hemphill Narrator

The Girls of the U.N. (Back to Top)
People say that if women ruled the world, war would become a thing of the past...
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.04.22 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.05.07
Aired: 2006.05.10 - Episode #730 and 6 repeats
Length: 06:09
 Marc-André Bélair Japan
 Dan Enright Secretary-General
 Richard Hemphill France
 Tonia Snow Canada, Germany
 Marg Tannahill-Wade India, United States

The Guvinator (Back to Top)
A gay Terminator arrives in Wyoming to run for governor.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.12.10 - Episode #504
Length: 05:35
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Suzie Banshee
 Marc-André Bélair Richard Oilwellis
 Tonia Snow Susan Parkins
 Bill Demmery The Guvinator
 Dan Enright Handsome Young Ranch Hand

The Heckling Fairy (Back to Top)
Who knew that comedians could invoke the Heckling Fairy? Look out!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2012.04.28 at CKCU
Produced: 2012.05.11
Aired: 2012.05.16 - Episode #1332 and 1 repeats
Length: 02:58
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Wife
 Richard Hemphill Heckling Fairy

The House of Helgi (Back to Top)
In this classic Nordic saga, Helgi's healthy herd of reindeer is threatened by his greedy neighbours Bjorn and Flimpa. Bjorn goes to extreme measures to graze his own herd in Helgi's lush, green pastures. Everyone dies in the end.
When this story begins, Helgi the Great Reindeer Herder of Fjordbottom, former son of Bjartmar, reigned over the small patch of Thing-hills near Surnadal on Thorkell. Before him, there was Martmjar, the High One. And before him, the Smitja, Horny Beasts of Porborning. But that really has nothing to do with this story.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.10.16 - Episode #310
 Richard Hemphill Bjorn, Narrator
 Chris Laursen Helgi, Flimpa
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Ingebjorg

The Housework Fairy (Back to Top)
He loves doing housework. She's happy to toss him the lot.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Recorded: 2009.10.17Demmery_B
Produced: 2009.11.03
Aired: 2009.11.18 - Episode #1108 and 2 repeats
Length: 01:00
 Richard Hemphill Housework Fairy
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Woman

The Human Machine (Back to Top)
Male mode David Dough eagerly awaits the arrival of the Contessa di Aspora at his soiree, but she is nowhere to be found. The guests sit down to a documentary about the unnatural habits of high tech businessmen.
AMA: No one quite spices up a party like the Contessa.
LEMUEL: You've been to parties with her before?
AMA: No. But she is quite legendary. I heard she consumed the entire contents of a buffet table at the Grimaldi family palace in Monaco. King Rainier couldn't stop laughing the entire time. They eventually had to sedate him for fear that he might guffaw himself into the afterlife.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Richard Hemphill
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.02.20 - Episode #218
 Richard Hemphill Waddles, Martha, Ama Stole, Adam West, Vagrant, Businessman #2
 Chris Laursen David Dough, Dorothy, Businessman #1, Security Guard, Lemuel Gulliver
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Flower, Stewardess, Clerk, Weeping Woman, Spouse, Mindy, Nerdy Woman

The Interrogation (Back to Top)
Nobody... innocent or guilty... is safe when the interrogators are on the case.
Author: Andrew Kirkwood
Producer: Andrew Kirkwood
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2004.03.24 - Episode #512 and 4 repeats
Length: 07:12
 Damien Bailey Cop
 Bill Demmery Investigator #2
 Andrew Kirkwood Mr. Johnson
 Chris Laursen Investigator #1

The Leper (Back to Top)
Something's a little different about one of the contestants...
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Recorded: 2009.01.24Demmery_B
Produced: 2009.10.08
Aired: 2009.10.14 - Episode #1103 and 3 repeats
Length: 01:02
 Dave Perkins Announcer
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Woman
 Richard Parks Man

The Local Ottawa Cougar (Back to Top)
Researchers track cougar activity at a local watering hole.
Author: Tonia Snow
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.04.05 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.11.30
Aired: 2008.12.03 - Episode #1009 and 4 repeats
Length: 04:18
 Bill Demmery Australian Naturalist
 Richard Hemphill British Naturalist
 Tonia Snow Announcer

The Making of 'Le Grand Film Canadien de Désastre'" (Back to Top)
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.10.22 - Episode #409

The Making of Remote Planet (Back to Top)
A behind-the-scenes look at the production of a Remote Planet episode!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.04.01 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.05.20
Aired: 2006.05.24 - Episode #732 and 3 repeats
Length: 05:45
 Bill Demmery Himself
 Richard Hemphill Himself
 Tonia Snow Herself
 Shalome Swinamer Herself

The Merely Malevolent Doctor (Back to Top)
Chillingly benign comedy.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.02.25 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.03.13
Aired: 2006.03.15 - Episode #722 and 1 repeats
Length: 11:30
 Marc-André Bélair Max Kreeping, Paperboy
 Richard Hemphill Doctor Ominosa
 Tonia Snow Nurse
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Patient

The New Guy (Back to Top)
Haysoos pays a visit to the new Pope.
Author: Shalome Swinamer
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Sarazin
Recorded: 2006.02.11 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.03.04
Aired: 2006.03.08 - Episode #719 and 5 repeats
Length: 04:18
 Bill Demmery Pope Benedict
 Richard Hemphill Camerlengo
 Shalome Swinamer Haysoos

The Night Shift (Back to Top)
An alien invasion on Canada results in missile silo panic, suburban garage fallout shelter syndrome, cruel sheep-eating insects--but all ends well as Slobodan Milosevic awaits his trial in the Hague.
THE BOSS: TUB is an acronym. Do you know what an acronym is, sweetie poo?
THE IDIOT: Isn't that a city in Idaho?
THE BOSS: Oh, silly! You're thinking of Akron. Besides which, Akron is in Ohio. And do you know where Ohio is?
THE IDIOT: Um, um! Do I get paid for answering questions like this?
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.01.15 - Episode #320
 Tamara Beaudoin the Genius, the Girl, the Shepherd's Son, Translator
 Marc-André Bélair Phone Man, the Boy, Shimbaa, BBC Anchor
 Dan Enright the Boss, the Nervous Man, Sheepherder
 Richard Hemphill the Idiot, the Angry Man, Baanaanaa, Brendaa, Slobodan Milosevic
 Chris Laursen Newscaster, Girl #2

The One-Tonne Challenge (Back to Top)
The operative word here is "retaaaaaarded!"
Authors: Bill Demmery, Marg Tannahill-Wade
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Written: 2005.04.09
Recorded: 2005.05.21 at CKCU
Produced: 2005.05.29
Aired: 2005.06.01 - Episode #623 and 3 repeats
Length: 03:22
 Bill Demmery Rick Mercer
 Jennifer Farr Passerby #2
 Richard Hemphill Passerby #1
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Passerby #3

The Parable of Nature (Back to Top)
Nature has so much to teach us, especially about modesty.
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #604 and 3 repeats
Length: 02:33
 Bill Demmery the Forest
 Dan Enright Announcer
 Chris Laursen Richard the Huge Squirrel
 Shalome Swinamer Janice the Bodacious Beaver
 Tonia Snow Samantha the Squirrel

The Queen of Breaking Winds Estates (Back to Top)
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2007.04.11 - Episode #828 and 2 repeats

The Rectal Muffler (Back to Top)
D'you smell cherries?
Author: Tonia Snow
Producer: Tonia Snow
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2005.08.27 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.03.03
Aired: 2006.03.08 - Episode #719 and 7 repeats
Length: 01:44
 Bill Demmery Nerdy Guy
 Richard Hemphill Announcer
 Tonia Snow Tired Lady, Supermodel

The Remote Before Christmas (Back to Top)
Cheesy Yuletide studio poetry.
Authors: Bill Demmery, Tonia Snow
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Bill Demmery
Recorded: 2005.12.10 at Cranky Gnome Studio
Produced: 2005.12.10
Aired: 2005.12.14 - Episode #709 and 1 repeats
Length: 02:27
 Bill Demmery Himself
 Tonia Snow Herself

The Restaurant (Back to Top)
Wade takes Starla to a restaurant in an industrial area for their first date and is surprised to find that chaos ensues. Needless to say, they end up getting married.
WADE: It's a nice day to be in a restaurant.
WADE: You know sunny out. Do you like it when it's sunny?
STARLA: Sometimes.
WADE: Yeah, me too. [pauses] Sun can give you cancer though. That's not very good, is it?
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.06.12 - Episode #120
 Chris Desjardins Wade
 Chris Laursen The Restauranteur, Garçon, Bus Boy
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Starla

The Return of Indira Mombira (Back to Top)
Indira Mombira contends with another unsual line-up of guests including the leader of the Nerdy Women's Movement, Star Trek: Voyager star Jeri Ryan, a greedy politician, movie critics and rude rap star Denimem.
SHAZZY: Indira, honey, let me tell you... now I know you're a Pisces right?
INDIRA: Oh yes, Shazzy, I'm very much a Spicies! I'm hip with it!
SHAZZY: Yes, well, if you examine how Uranus is aligned with the rising Venus, you'll see that there are some strange times ahead of you, Indira.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.07.31 - Episode #124
 Marc-André Bélair Marcel Marcelle, Carlita, Brant Beaver, Thomas, Parole Officer
 Chris Laursen Murray Takamoto, Shazzy Nichol, Ronald Reagan, Bill Broche, Denimem
 Linda Quinton-Ploughman Molly Shenanigan, Jeri Ryan, Lurlene Jones, Toni Anapolis
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Indira Mombira, Rosie

The Revenge of Saliva-Jane (Back to Top)
It's wall-to-wall girl-on-girl rivalry, when gypsy trickster, Susan-Shelly Swanson, convinces vindictive tween, Saliva-Jane Moxon, to exact revenge on her life-long best frenemy, perpetual victim, Penny Nickels. Vengeance is hers.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU, Punchbag Productions
Aired: 2007.05.02 - Episode #831 and 1 repeats
 Nancy Kenny Susan-Shelly Swanson
 Carla Parchelo Miss Romproust
 Tonia Snow Penny Nickels
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Saliva-Jane

The Rise and Fall of Montcalm Wolfe (Back to Top)
Author: Dan Enright
Producer: Dan Enright
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.01.07 - Episode #416

The Road Trip (Back to Top)
Augusta Georgia and her best friend Mobile Alabama embark on the great quest of self-discovery: a road trip.
MACON: After several fitful hours, I am now an expert surfer. I was quite shocked, however, to discover that the internet machine contains an astounding amount of pornography. It seems no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get away from it. I was innocently looking for information on the humble beaver and I was directed to a most shocking x-rated land. I haven't seen such depravity since our honeymoon. I don't even care to recall my ill-fated hunt for images of gigantic roosters. On the plus side, however, by searching for teenaged nymphomaniacs I was able finally to get to the site for CNN, which is what I was looking for in the first place.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.02.25 - Episode #323
 Richard Hemphill Mobile Alabama, Macon Georgia, Police Officer, Whacko
 Chris Laursen Augusta Georgia, Montgomery Alabama, Tour Guide

The Scottish Anti-Defamation League (Back to Top)
The Court of Civil Inanities is now in session!
Author: Andrew Kirkwood
Producer: Andrew Kirkwood
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #613 and 5 repeats
Length: 05:00
 Bill Demmery Guru, Lama
 Dan Enright Heckler
 Richard Hemphill Bailiff, Judge Henri Maisonneuve
 Andrew Kirkwood Alistair MacDougall
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Diana Sinclair

The Sex Fairy (Back to Top)
Want to make love like you never will again? Now, you can! (And never again.)
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2011.01.30 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.01.30
Aired: 2011.02.02 - Episode #1217 and 2 repeats
Length: 04:46
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Wife
 Richard Parks Husband
 Richard Hemphill Sex Fairy

The She Pirate (Back to Top)
A pirate ship bound for the new world is plagued by its lady financier, Fiamella Automatica, who is most certain that major changes must be made to ensure the voyage's success. She starts a campaign to turn the crew into proper ladies, pushing the captain near the brink.
QUAHOG: If we don't get rid of her, Captain, she will bring doom to the entire ship. I can feel the icy grip of Death on my shoulder already.
CAPTAIN: That's me, Quahog. I'm using you to balance myself while I take off my slippers.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.12.04 - Episode #314
 Dan Enright Geoduck
 Richard Hemphill Captain
 Chris Laursen Pismo, Quahog
 Shalome Swinamer Fiamella Automatica

The She Pirate 2007 (Back to Top)
A pirate ship bound for the new world is plagued by its lady financier, Fiamella Automatica, who is most certain that major changes must be made to ensure the voyage's success. She starts a campaign to turn the crew into proper ladies, pushing the captain near the brink. A half-length cut of the original which aired December 4, 2001.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2007.02.07 - Episode #819
 Dan Enright Geoduck
 Richard Hemphill Captain
 Chris Laursen Pismo, Quahog
 Shalome Swinamer Fiamella Automatica

The Shrunken Master Review (Back to Top)
They're tiny! They're misshapen! They know all about the movies!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Produced: 2011.01.17
Aired: 2011.01.19 - Episode #1215
Length: 01:30
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer
 Bill Demmery Shrunken Master #1
 Richard Parks Shrunken Master #2
 Richard Hemphill Shrunken Master #3

The Shut-Up Fairy (Back to Top)
The world is such a loud place! If only there were a way to shut it up!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2010.01.30 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.01.30
Aired: 2011.02.02 - Episode #1217 and 1 repeats
Length: 03:56
 Tonia Snow Wife
 Marc-André Bélair Husband
 Richard Hemphill Shut-Up Fairy

The Silence of Pompeii (Back to Top)
A drunken painter's big exhibit.
Author: Andrew Kirkwood
Producer: Andrew Kirkwood
Tech: Dave Sarazin
Recorded: 2004.11.27 at CKCU
Aired: Episode #611 and 2 repeats
Length: 07:36
 Marc-André Bélair Dick Sharpe
 Bill Demmery Charles Fitzsimmons-Perley
 Richard Hemphill Guilliarmo Mamblissima
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Eloise Fanshawe-Thorne

The Snobby Dollar (Back to Top)
Does it matter where it comes from, if it's only a buck?
Author: Tonia Snow
Producer: Tonia Snow
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.05.27 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.04.09
Aired: 2007.04.11 - Episode #828 and 6 repeats
Length: 04:08
 Bill Demmery Customer
 Richard Hemphill Clerk

The Squeaky Tire (Back to Top)
What's that squeaking sound coming from Johnny's room?
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.05.13 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.11.13
Aired: 2006.11.15 - Episode #807 and 3 repeats
Length: 00:45
 Marc-André Bélair Johnny
 Richard Hemphill Dad
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Mom

The Squeaky Tire, Smartass Edition (Back to Top)
This is what happens when the producer steps outside for a moment...
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2006.05.13 at CKCU
Produced: 2006.11.13
Aired: 2006.11.15 - Episode #807
Length: 00:51
 Marc-André Bélair Mom
 Richard Hemphill Dad
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Johnny

The Story of Snow White (Back to Top)
Little Jeffy's uncle reads him another unconventional version of a traditional fairy tale. In this retelling of the story of Snow White, the heroine is dim, the dwarves are self-serving, the magic mirror is uppity, and the charming Prince is kinky. At least the evil Queen remains true to form. But, really, why so much fuss about one missing white girl? Easter Egg: Listen for the sound of jackhammers in the background. While we were taping this episode, the construction crews working on the renovations to the University Centre, which houses the CKCU studios, started to kick it into high gear.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2006.02.22 - Episode #717 and 2 repeats
 Marc-André Bélair Magic Mirror, the Queen's Huntsman, the Feng Shui dwarf, the French dwarf, the on-air caller
 Bill Demmery the anxious hunter, the dwarf who's done time, the prissy dwarf, Prince Charming
 Richard Hemphill Narrator, the little boy named Jeffy, the dwarf called Schlomo, the television announcer
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Snow White, the evil Queen, Serpentina, the television interviewer

The Story of the Three Pigs (Back to Top)
Jeffy's uncle tells him the story of the three pigs and their life-long conflict with the big bad wolf and other radical lupine terrorists.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2007.03.28 - Episode #826 and 2 repeats
 Bill Demmery Daddy Hog, Picky, Ponk
 Richard Hemphill Uncle Narrator, Jeffy
 Josh McMillan Pank, Big Bad Wolf
 Tonia Snow Mommy Sow

The Straight Eye (Back to Top)
Straight men give male supermodel David Dough a makeover.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.12.10 - Episode #504
Length: 12:09
 Bill Demmery Tony
 Marc-André Bélair Chuck, Priest
 Dan Enright Brian
 Damien Bailey Bruce from Wyoming
 Chris Laursen David Dough
 Tonia Snow Woman
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Flower

The Taming of the West (Back to Top)
Fleeing an Eskimo vendetta, the Stranger family arrives in the West where they find new love and a spiritual awakening.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #617
 Marc-André Bélair Whosit
 Bill Demmery Zachadoodoo
 Juanita DeVos Sister Mary Whatever
 Dan Enright Nanooky
 Andrew Kirkwood Jethrodiah
 Richard Hemphill the Stranger
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Ravina Kapoor

The Tea Party (Back to Top)
Two aliens from the far away galaxy of Praaaaan travel to the blue planet to try and gain a better understanding of a potential interstellar enemy. Humans turn out to be much more foul than they imagined.
AUGUSTA: Oh, Mobile, you kidder! You're hilarious. Is that a bottle of Rohypnol in there?
MOBILE: No, I'm just using that old bottle to store some other pills, but I can't for the life of me remember which ones. They might be the ones I'm supposed to take to counteract my short-term memory loss.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.11.27 - Episode #313
 Richard Hemphill Mobile Alabama, Baanaanaa, Waddles
 Chris Laursen Augusta Georgia, Raajaa

The Tea Party 2007 (Back to Top)
Two aliens from the far away galaxy of Praaaaan travel to the blue planet to try and gain a better understanding of a potential interstellar enemy. Humans turn out to be much more foul than they imagined. A half-length cut of the original which aired November 27, 2001.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2007.02.28 - Episode #822
 Richard Hemphill Mobile Alabama, Baanaanaa, Waddles
 Chris Laursen Augusta Georgia, Raajaa

The Tent (Back to Top)
Author: Jamie Douglas
Producer: Jamie Douglas
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.01.14 - Episode #417

The Three Bears (Back to Top)
A twisted spin on the classic children's tale in which Goldilock's invades the home of three bears and unexpected meets a kindred spirit there.
RUSTILOCKS: Didn't you find any other food? Are these people so deprived that they can only eat porridge? This place just stinks of poverty. And what's with this bear stench? How can anyone live like this?
GOLDILOCKS: They've got the new Xbox from Microsoft, so they can't be that poor.
RUSTILOCKS: Oh, puh-lease! There are government assistance grants available now to help impoverished families acquire those things. Even the neediest creatures can fill their hovels with Microsoft products.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.01.01 - Episode #318
 Dan Enright Papa Bear
 Richard Hemphill Mama Bear, Macon Georgia
 Chris Laursen Child, Baby Bear, Augusta Georgia
 Shalome Swinamer Rustilocks
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Goldilocks

The Three Bears 2005 (Back to Top)
Goldilocks and Rustilocks break into the cottage of the dysfunctional bear family.
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #720
 Dan Enright Papa Bear
 Richard Hemphill Narrator, Mama Bear
 Chris Laursen Child, Baby Bear
 Shalome Swinamer Rustilocks
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Goldilocks

The Tooters (Back to Top)
A look at Medieval Royalty from a unique, flatulent perspective.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Recorded: 2009.09.19Demmery_B
Produced: 2009.10.11
Aired: 2009.10.14 - Episode #1103 and 3 repeats
Length: 00:45
 Richard Hemphill The King
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Announcer
 Chris Wardell Sir Dirk

The Transbummers (Back to Top)
Life wasn't exactly idyllic for the newly-resettled Transformers...
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.09.27 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.10.04
Aired: 2008.10.08 - Episode #1001 and 2 repeats
Length: 04:28
 Marc-André Bélair Ratchet, Sam the Kid
 Bill Demmery Optimus Prime
 Richard Parks Bumblebee

The Treat Fairy (Back to Top)
She's craving a treat. She's going to get one--with the usual catch.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Produced: 2011.01.16
Aired: 2011.01.19 - Episode #1215 and 2 repeats
Length: 03:46
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Wife
 Richard Parks Husband
 Richard Hemphill The Treat Fairy

The Trial of Catatonia La Veuve (Back to Top)
Eleven-time widow, Catatonia La Veuve, defends herself in court
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #704 and 2 repeats
 Bill Demmery Lincoln Nebraska, District Attorney
 Richard Hemphill Obnoxious Man, Bailiff
 Nancy Kenny Catatonia La Veuve
 Tonia Snow Judge

The Truth About Papa Stone (Back to Top)
A sexually-deprived woman's android sex slave is hacked by a competitor, making his human mate believe that he's become defective.
MIELKS: I am fine. There is nothing wrong, honey. I know I am fine. Now just sit down and eat your breakfast. Would you like me to remove my clothing while you eat? For entertainment purposes?
#voice Jamie Douglas as Mielks, Mr. Michaelson
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.10.08 - Episode #407
 Dan Enright Papa Stone, The Mandroid
 Chris Laursen Kathy, Sales Agent
 Marg Tannahill-Wade The Sexually-Deprived Woman

The Undertheweather Network (Back to Top)
Gentle weather for the morning after the night before.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2010.09.11 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.05.19
Aired: 2011.05.25 - Episode #1233 and 1 repeats
Length: 00:55
 Bill Demmery Announcer
 Richard Hemphill Voiceover

The Warmup Fairy (Back to Top)
Warming up for exercise is hard work. What if you could bypass it?
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2010.09.11 at CKCU
Produced: 2011.03.27
Aired: 2011.03.30 - Episode #1225 and 2 repeats
Length: 04:05
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Woman #1
 Tonia Snow Woman #2
 Richard Hemphill Warmup Fairy

The Wrong Target (Back to Top)
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.12.10 - Episode #412

This Illness I Possess (Back to Top)
Sickness strikes, and the princess is down.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2003.12.17 - Episode #505
Length: 02:38
 Jaycelle Scott Princess

Thoroughly Modern Prometheus (Back to Top)
Mad scientist, Lester Beware builds a monster that doesn't quite turn out as expected
Author: Richard Hemphill
Producer: Richard Hemphill
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: Episode #705
 Marc-André Bélair Monster, Professor Maelstrom, Policeman
 Bill Demmery Onion, Doctor Wicked
 Richard Hemphill Lester Beware
 Joan Peterson Beulah Beware

Thunder Death (Back to Top)
A CKCU co-op student has to interview the dopey bassist from a local band, Thunder Death.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Richard Hemphill
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.12.21 - Episode #209
 Chris Laursen Radio Announcer
 Richard Hemphill the Bassist from Thunder Death

Timbits (Back to Top)
They'll play like hellions on a Double-Double or two...
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2008.02.23 at CKCU
Produced: 2008.10.13
Aired: 2008.10.15 - Episode #1002 and 3 repeats
Length: 02:38
 Marc-André Bélair Little Boy
 Richard Hemphill Coach
 Tonia Snow Announcer, Little Girl

Top Squad (Back to Top)
The pilot episode of the long lost 1970s cop series "Top Squad". Tulip Blooms and Spanki Spumoni pose as clams to bust an illegal clam bake ring run by the notorious criminal Jethro Nudge. Chauvinist cop Lt. Wad gets in the way.
SEXIST COP: Woman's liberation? Woman... you'd better get yourself in this kitchen and fix me some food.
LT. WAD: Okay... that man knows the real deal.... Do you girls?
TULIP: Chew my peddles, Wad.
SPANKI: Spank me.... or not.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.05.29 - Episode #119
 Chris Laursen Regent Pillbox (Lt. Wad), Chief Pacino, Jethro Nudge
 Linda Quinton-Ploughman Spanki Spumoni, The Lone Clam
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Tulip Blooms, Clam Addict

Top Squad 3: The Iron Will (Back to Top)
The KGB sends an agent to make President Richard Nixon slip up at a speech to American postal workers, however the Top Squad is on shift to uh prevent Nixons from, err, looking stupid.
CHIMKI: As you know, for many years, we Soviets have built enough nuclear weapons to smack the assets of thousands of United States.
VLADIMIR: Which would take care of problem of United States existing in alternate realities.
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2002.04.09 - Episode #328
 Richard Hemphill Officer A.J., Vladimir Vilovski, Robbery Victim, Whacko
 Chris Laursen Lt. Wad, Chief Pacino, Narrator, Prison Warden, Komrade Chimki, Cat, Announcer, Richard Nixon
 Patrick McGoohan Prisoner
 Linda Quinton-Ploughman Spanki Spumoni, Airline Clerk
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Tulip Blooms, Aeroflot Stewardess

Top Squad II: The Bread Factory (Back to Top)
The second episode of the 1970s cop series finds the female duo of Tulip Blooms and Spanki Spumoni trying to blow the cover off of a money laundering operation at a bread factory.
TULIP: Spanki... are you telling me the only reason you work for the force is so that you can afford to buy pet food?
Author: Chris Laursen
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2000.10.10 - Episode #203
 Chris Laursen Regent Pillbox (Lt. Wad), David Dough, Chief Pacino, Mr. Stempo, Seńor Rhumba
 Tina Malheiro Jemima Finklestein, Mrs Peepers
 Linda Quinton-Ploughman Spanki Spumoni, Aleeda, Mrs. Klompenboppel
 Marg Tannahill-Wade Tulip Blooms, Breeda

Transit Psycho (Back to Top)
Psycho takes public transit to get to work in the morning and freaks out most of the passengers in the process, including a nervous French woman, a bubbly cheerleader, a dim-witted freelance journalist and a bitchy Toronto film producer.
AMA: Do they not have personal drivers? Do they not have chauffeurs?
BUS DRIVER: I'm everyone's chauffeur, dearie.
AMA: How dreadful. How completely dreadful. That makes you a kind of vehicular prostitute. While I was being raised by wild ponies on the Shetland Islands, public transportation was not a necessity. If I needed to be anywhere, I would gallop across the plains with my pony family to get there.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Richard Hemphill
Producers: Chris Laursen, Richard Hemphill
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 2001.08.14 - Episode #302
 Richard Hemphill Psycho, Ama Stole
 Sarah Kapoor Brit, Cheerleader, French Woman, Vanessa Crepsten
 Chris Laursen Bus Driver, Bill, Craul #2 (Back to Top)
Our favourite little impostor globetrotting garden gnome catches more than fish.
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2009.02.14 at CKCU
Produced: 2009.03.02
Aired: 2009.03.04 - Episode #1022 and 3 repeats
Length: 01:06
 Bill Demmery Garden Gnome
 Amy Ford Announcer (Back to Top)
The garden gnome goes to Mexico!
Author: Bill Demmery
Producer: Bill Demmery
Tech: Dave Wade
Recorded: 2007.02.24 at CKCU
Produced: 2007.03.08
Aired: 2007.03.21 - Episode #825 and 4 repeats
Length: 01:28
 Bill Demmery Garden Gnome
 Richard Hemphill El Dudo
 Richard Parks Announcer

Two Photographers (Back to Top)
Two amateur photographers head out to Gatineau Park to enjoy the fall splendor. One of the photographers loses his sanity and decends into a world of industrial madness.
Authors: Chris Laursen, Eduardo Miranda
Producer: Chris Laursen
Tech: Chris Laursen
Recorded: at CKCU
Aired: 1999.11.23 - Episode #102
 Chris Laursen Unknown
 Eduardo Miranda Unknown

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