Centretown Observatory:

Master Recalc

Times in Eastern Standard Time (EST = GMT-5)

(To see this page's template code, please Click Here.)

   Build your Master Recalc query below, then hit [Submit Inside].

Master Recalc Query Builder v1.00

This query allows you to recalculate everything from source: daily/monthly/yearly 'limits' (highs/lows/averages/totals), extremes, records, normals in one go. Daily limits are calculated from any live readings present; monthly stats from daily stats; and so on. Essentially, it purges the dataset of bad data (defined by you) and recalculates. You can optionally limit what's recalculated (and when) by unchecking some of the boxes below. The optional bounds will filter out data that lies outside of the normal operating range of this station (i.e. bad data acquired before built-in limiting was imposed.)

It is expected that this function will have little effect on a from-scratch implementation of WxPro, as handling of internal data has been improved; the CTO dataset predates these changes.

*Note: Because this will actually change the dataset permanently, and therefore bad settings for filters can cause real loss of data, functionality is limited to within the CTO building.


Start Date:   
End Date:   
Name for records/normals:   

Select Recalc Items:
Ordinarily, all checkboxes below should be selected.
Daily   Monthly   Yearly  
Limits (high/low/averages)  

Optional bounds to filter out bad data: 
Temperature Lower Bound (default -100):   °C
Temperature Upper Bound (default 50):   °C
Barometric pressure Lower Bound (default 800):   mb
Barometric pressure Upper Bound (default 1200):   mb
Dewpoint Lower Bound (default -150):   °C
Dewpoint Upper Bound (default 100):   °C
Relative Humidity Lower Bound (default 0):   %
Relative Humidity Upper Bound (default 100):   %
Visibility Upper Bound (default 50):   km
Sunshine Upper Bound (default 16:00):   hh:mm
Wind Upper Bound (default 150):   km/h
Rain Upper Bound (default 200):   mm
Snow Upper Bound (default 200):   cm
SnowQ Upper Bound (default 200):   mm
Precip Upper Bound (default 200):   mm

This page was last regenerated 2025-02-09@12:42.
It is sheduled to be regenerated every 1 Months.
It is next scheduled for regeneration on 2025-03-09@13:42