Help for One-Time Readings

In the "query string" box, enter a string to be output, including case-sensitive data tags. Here, you have access to nearly the entire tagset. Data tags take the form [@xx], such as:

[@ZV]Software Version[@ZN]Software Name Proper
[@ZCL1..20E]Events Count[@ZL1..20F]Forecast Periods Count
[@ZCL1..20W]Warnings Count
[@ZTO]Time of Last Observation[@ZTF]Time of Last Forecast
[@ZTW]Time of Last Warning
[@ZXLS]Live Readings Submitted today[@ZXLA]Live Readings Accepted today
[@ZXLSO]Live Readings Submitted this week[@ZXLAO]Live Readings Accepted this week
[@ZXFS]Forecasts Submitted today[@ZXFA]Forecasts Accepted today
[@ZXFSO]Forecasts Submitted this week[@ZXFAO]Forecasts Accepted this week
[@ZXSS]Statistics Submitted today[@ZXSA]Statistics Accepted today
[@ZXSSO]Statistics Submitted this week[@ZXSAO]Statistics Accepted this week
[@ZXWS]Warnings Submitted today[@ZXWA]Warnings Accepted today
[@ZXWSO]Warnings Submitted this week[@ZXWAO]Warnings Accepted this week
[@ZXRS]Records Submitted today[@ZXRA]Records Accepted today
[@ZXRSO]Records Submitted this week[@ZXRAO]Records Accepted this week
[@ZXNS]Normals Submitted today[@ZXNA]Normals Accepted today
[@ZXNSO]Normals Submitted this week[@ZXNAO]Normals Accepted this week
[@ZXPR]#Times pages regenerated today[@ZXPRO]#Times pages regenerated this week
[@ZXUT]Uptime (time operating since software start)[@ZXTU]Startup Time
[@ON]Loc Name[@OC]Loc Code
[@ODD]Date Last Run[@OA]Stn. Latitude
[@OG]Stn. Longitude[@OTZF]Full CTZ Name
[@OTZS]Short CTZ Name[@OTZO]CTZ Offset from GMT
[@OTDF]Full DTZ Name[@OTDS]Short DTZ Name
[@OTDO]DTZ Offset from GMT[@OTSF]Full STZ Name
[@OTSS]Short STZ Name[@OTSO]STZ Offset from GMT
[@OS]Source data attrib. string  
[@OXLS]Live Readings Submitted today[@OXLA]Live Readings Accepted today
[@OXLSO]Live Readings Submitted this week[@OXLAO]Live Readings Accepted this week
[@OXFS]Forecasts Submitted today[@OXFA]Forecasts Accepted today
[@OXFSO]Forecasts Submitted this week[@OXFAO]Forecasts Accepted this week
[@OXSS]Statistics Submitted today[@OXSA]Statistics Accepted today
[@OXSSO]Statistics Submitted this week[@OXSAO]Statistics Accepted this week
[@OXWS]Warnings Submitted today[@OXWA]Warnings Accepted today
[@OXWSO]Warnings Submitted this week[@OXWAO]Warnings Accepted this week
[@OXRS]Records Submitted today[@OXRA]Records Accepted today
[@OXRSO]Records Submitted this week[@OXRAO]Records Accepted this week
[@OXNS]Normals Submitted today[@OXNA]Normals Accepted today
[@OXNSO]Normals Submitted this week[@OXNAO]Normals Accepted this week
[@OXPR]#Times pages regenerated today[@OXPRO]#Times pages regenerated this week
[@TD]Today's Date[@TDY]Today Year
[@TDM]Today Month[@TDD]Today Day
[@TDW]Today Weekday  
These all work the same
[@TSxxMx]Maximum[@TSxxMxT]Max Time
[@TSxxMn]Minimum[@TSxxMnT]Min Time
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@TSWnMx]Max Winds[@TSWnMxT]Time
[@TSWnMe]Mean Winds[@TSWBMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@TSWBMxT]Time[@TSWBMe]Mean Wind Bearing
[@TSWGMx]wind Gust Max[@TSWGMxT]Time
[@TSMnLt]Moonlight[@TSMnPh]Moon Phase
[@TSMnDO]Moon Days Old[@TSSuSh]Sunshine
[@TSSq]Snow equiv. mm[@TSPr]Total Precip.
[@TNTeMx]Normal Max Temp[@TNTeMn]Normal Min Temp
[@TNTeMe]Normal Mean Temp[@TNRn]Normal Rain
[@TNTeSq]Normal Snow Equiv.[@TNPr]Normal Total Precip
[@TRTeMxMx]Rec Max Max Temp[@TRTeMxMxD]Date
And the same for each of:
TeMxMnRec Min Max TempTeMnMxRec Max Min Temp
TeMnMnRec Min Min TempTeMeMxRec Max Mean Temp
TeMeMnRec Min Mean Temp  
And all the same for each of:
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@TRWnMx]Rec Max Wind[@TRWnMxD]Date
[@TRWnMxT]Time[@TRWBMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@TRWnMeMx]Rec Max Mean Wind[@TRWBMeMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@TRWnMeMn]Rec Min Mean Winds[@TRWBMeMn]Wind Bearing at Min
[@TRWnMx]Rec Max Wind[@TRWnMxD]Date
[@TRRn]Max Rain[@TRRnD]Date
[@TRRnT]Time[@TRSw]Max Snow
[@TRSq]Rec Max Snow Equiv.[@TRPr]Rec Total Precip
[@TRSuShMx]Rec Max Sunshine  
[@MD]Month Date[@MDY]Month Year
[@MSxxMx]Av. High[@MSxxMn]Av. Low
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@MSWnMx]Av. Max Winds[@MSWnMe]Av. Mean Winds
[@MSWBMe]Av. Wind Bearing[@MSWGMx]Av. WG Max
[@MSSq]Snow equiv. mm[@MSPr]Total Precip.
[@MXTeMxMx]Highest high in month[@MXTeMxMxT]Time
[@MXTeMxMxD]Date[@MXTeMxMn]Lowest High in Month
[@MXTeMxMn]Highest Low[@MXTeMnMn]Lowest Low
[@MXTeMeMx]Highest Mean[@MXTeMeMn]Lowest Mean
[@MXxxMx]Highest in Month[@MXxxMn]Lowest in Month
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@MXWnMxMx]Max Wind[@MXWnMxMxT]Time
[@MXWnMxMxD]Date[@MXWBMxMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@MXWGMxMx]Max WG[@MXWnMeMx]Highest Mean
[@MXWnMeMn]Lowest Mean  
[@MRTeMxMx]Highest High......
[@AD]Year Date[@ADY]Year
[@ASxxMx]Av. High[@ASxxMn]Av. Low
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@ASWnMx]Av. Max Winds[@ASWnMe]Av. Mean Winds
[@ASWBMe]Av. Wind Bearing[@ASWGMx]Av. WG Max
[@ASSq]Snow equiv. mm[@ASPr]Total Precip.
Daily Extremes:
[@AXDTeMxMx]Highest High Temp[@AXDTeMxMXD]Date
[@AXDTeMnMx]Lowest High Temp[@AXDTeMnMXT]Time
[@AXDTeMeMx]Highest Mean Temp[@AXDTeMeMxD]Date
[@AXDxxMeMx]Highest Mean[@AXDxxMeMn]Lowest Mean
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@AXDWnMx]Max Wind[@AXDWnMxT]Time
[@AXDWnMxD]Date[@AXDWBMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@AXDWGMx]Max WG[@AXDWnMeMx]Highest Mean
[@AXDWnMeMn]Lowest Mean  
Monthly Extremes:
[@AXMTeMxMx]Highest High Temp[@AXMTeMxMXD]Date
[@AXMTeMnMx]Lowest High Temp[@AXMTeMnMXT]Time
[@AXMTeMeMx]Highest Mean Temp[@AXMTeMeMxD]Date
[@AXMxxMeMx]Highest Mean[@AXMxxMeMn]Lowest Mean
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@AXMWnMx]Max Wind[@AXMWnMxT]Time
[@AXMWnMxD]Date[@AXMWBMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@AXMWGMx]Max WG[@AXMWnMeMx]Highest Mean
[@AXMWnMeMn]Lowest Mean  
Daily Records:
[@ARDTeMxMx]Highest High Temp[@ARDTeMxMXD]Date
[@ARDTeMnMx]Lowest High Temp[@ARDTeMnMXT]Time
[@ARDTeMeMx]Highest Mean Temp[@ARDTeMeMxD]Date
[@ARDxxMeMx]Highest Mean[@ARDxxMeMn]Lowest Mean
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@ARDWnMx]Max Wind[@ARDWnMxT]Time
[@ARDWnMxD]Date[@ARDWBMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@ARDWGMx]Max WG[@ARDWnMeMx]Highest Mean
[@ARDWnMeMn]Lowest Mean  
Monthly Records:
[@ARMTeMxMx]Highest High Temp[@ARMTeMxMXD]Date
[@ARMTeMnMx]Lowest High Temp[@ARMTeMnMXT]Time
[@ARMTeMeMx]Highest Mean Temp[@ARMTeMeMxD]Date
[@ARMxxMeMx]Highest Mean[@ARMxxMeMn]Lowest Mean
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@ARMWnMx]Max Wind[@ARMWnMxT]Time
[@ARMWnMxD]Date[@ARMWBMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@ARMWGMx]Max WG[@ARMWnMeMx]Highest Mean
[@ARMWnMeMn]Lowest Mean  
Annual Records:
[@ARATeMxMx]Highest High Temp[@ARATeMxMXD]Date
[@ARATeMnMx]Lowest High Temp[@ARATeMnMXT]Time
[@ARATeMeMx]Highest Mean Temp[@ARATeMeMxD]Date
[@ARAxxMeMx]Highest Mean[@ARAxxMeMn]Lowest Mean
where xx =
BPBarometric PressureRHRelative Humidity
DPDew PointVsVisibility
HxHumidexWCWind Chill Index
[@ARAWnMx]Max Wind[@ARAWnMxT]Time
[@ARAWnMxD]Date[@ARAWBMx]Wind Bearing at Max
[@ARAWGMx]Max WG[@ARAWnMeMx]Highest Mean
[@ARAWnMeMn]Lowest Mean