Centretown Observatory:

WebCam Lookup

Times in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT = GMT-4)

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   Webcam Lookup v1.01:

Use this form to look up a webcam image from any time in the past. All you really need is a date and a time; the adjustments below each are for adding or subtracting units of time. Note:Calculated times are always Standard Time.

+ - Y     + - M     + - D
+ - H     + - M
One Month Ago:
Six Months Ago:
One Year Ago:
Two Years Ago:
Three Years Ago:
Four Years Ago:
Five Years Ago:
Eight Years Ago
Ten Years Ago:
This page was last regenerated 2024-04-26@19:50.
It is scheduled for regeneration whenever there are new data; about every five minutes.